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dc.contributor.advisorGuijarro Intriago, Rosa Victoria
dc.contributor.authorTomala Carrasco, Genesis Leonela
dc.descriptionSometimes we talk about participatory methodologies or active-participatory methodologies to refer to teaching-learning processes where emphasis is placed on the proactive role of students and their critical capacity. These methodologies take the student's interest as their main starting point, trying to help them acquire the skills necessary for their work and daily lives. The teaching figure becomes a guide and facilitator of learning, contextualizing knowledge to real situations in the current world and reorienting the needs of students throughout the process, with the purpose of determining the influence of active methods on the significant learning of the 7th year students of the Juan E. Verdesoto Educational Unit, in the city of Babahoyo. It could be deduced that by using a non-experimental design with a qualitative-descriptive approach, field research was considered as a support tool to collect information in the territory through the coherent and organized interview technique which presented a questionnaire of open questions. aimed at obtaining information from the teachers and students of the aforementioned institution. Finally, we had the result that in the institution there are few classrooms that allow the application of certain active methods in classes, in the same way, there are limited resources or materials to teach active methods during classes. Due to this, teachers must develop strategies that are supported by resources and teaching materials which adapt to the different levels of learning that students have, allowing them to generate necessary and significant learning for the daily life of students in their comprehensive training, improving performance. academic.es_ES
dc.descriptionSometimes we talk about participatory methodologies or active-participatory methodologies to refer to teaching-learning processes where emphasis is placed on the proactive role of students and their critical capacity. These methodologies take the student's interest as their main starting point, trying to help them acquire the skills necessary for their work and daily lives. The teaching figure becomes a guide and facilitator of learning, contextualizing knowledge to real situations in the current world and reorienting the needs of students throughout the process, with the purpose of determining the influence of active methods on the significant learning of the 7th year students of the Juan E. Verdesoto Educational Unit, in the city of Babahoyo. It could be deduced that by using a non-experimental design with a qualitative-descriptive approach, field research was considered as a support tool to collect information in the territory through the coherent and organized interview technique which presented a questionnaire of open questions. aimed at obtaining information from the teachers and students of the aforementioned institution. Finally, we had the result that in the institution there are few classrooms that allow the application of certain active methods in classes, in the same way, there are limited resources or materials to teach active methods during classes. Due to this, teachers must develop strategies that are supported by resources and teaching materials which adapt to the different levels of learning that students have, allowing them to generate necessary and significant learning for the daily life of students in their comprehensive training, improving performance. academic.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEn ocasiones se habla de metodologías participativas o metodologías activo-participativas para referirse a procesos de enseñanza- aprendizaje donde se hace hincapié en el papel proactivo de los estudiantes y en su capacidad crítica. Estas metodologías toman como principal punto de partida el interés del educando intentando que adquieran las competencias necesarias para su vida laboral y diaria. La figura docente se convierte en una guía y facilitador del aprendizaje, contextualizando los conocimientos a situaciones reales del mundo actual y reorientando las necesidades de los alumnos a lo largo del proceso, teniendo como propósito determinar la influencia de los métodos activos en los aprendizajes significativos de los estudiantes del 7mo año de la Unidad Educativa Juan E. Verdesoto, de la ciudad de Babahoyo. Se pudo deducir que, al utilizar un diseño no experimental de enfoque cualitativo – descriptivo, se consideró la investigación de campo como herramienta de apoyo para recopilar información en territorio por medio de la técnica de la entrevista coherente y organizada la cual presentó un cuestionario de preguntas abiertas orientadas a obtener la información proveniente de la docente y estudiantes de la institución ya antes mencionada. Para finalizar se tuvo como resultado que en la institución existen pocas aulas que permiten la aplicación de ciertos métodos activos en las clases, de igual forma, existen limitados recursos o materiales para impartir métodos activos durante sus clases. Debido a esto los docentes deben elaborar estrategias que se apoyen en recursos y materiales didácticos los cuales se adapten a los diferentes niveles de aprendizaje que tengan los estudiantes permitiéndoles generar aprendizajes necesarios y significativos para la vida diaria de los estudiantes en su formación integral mejorando el rendimiento académico.es_ES
dc.format.extent39 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2023es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectMétodos activoses_ES
dc.subjectAprendizajes significativoses_ES
dc.titleMétodos activos y su incidencia en los aprendizajes significativos de los estudiantes del 7mo año de la Escuela Juan E. Verdesoto, periodo lectivo 2022 – 2023es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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