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dc.contributor.advisorAlvarez Gutiérrez, Marcela
dc.contributor.authorTroya Troya, Tatiana Tamara
dc.descriptionThis research work is focused on a methodological proposal entitled "LEISURE ACTIVITIES AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF CREATIVITY OF INITIAL SUB-LEVEL 2 STUDENTS", its purpose is to develop creativity in children, since they are constructivist, creative and have original and spontaneous thoughts helping in their formation and face the different situations that are presented to them throughout their lives. The knowledge that is investigated with this research is to determine the importance of creativity in the initial stage, through playful activities in children of the initial sublevel 2, allowing them to experiment, discover and develop their creativity. The problem that started this research work arises as the need for playful activities in education due to important changes in the educational conception, in the design and approach of what educational institutions should be and teach, in addition to defining the new roles for the teacher. Thus, the ideas of the bloody letter enter, the memory practices, encyclopedic and based on an excessively intellectualist school organization, change and try to transform themselves by the Horacian maxim of 'instructing delighting', with a comprehensive, active education where the The child ceases to be an object of education to become the protagonist of the educational process. The rudimentary schools, in the past with their tedious merely instructive routines, must change completely and bet on a comprehensive training that addresses all facets of the human being and becomes pleasant and really useful both for the student and for society. The strategy used for the execution of this investigative work consists of creative methods and techniques in this way we can achieve these objectives that dedicates to children most of their time in the development of skills and the greatest of their educational interests. The game will then be a key element in the new education, the basis and reason for great changes in the educational process and of main importance both for learning of an intellectual order, as well as for those related to physical or corporal, social, moral and even education. creative and aesthetic.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis research work is focused on a methodological proposal entitled "LEISURE ACTIVITIES AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF CREATIVITY OF INITIAL SUB-LEVEL 2 STUDENTS", its purpose is to develop creativity in children, since they are constructivist, creative and have original and spontaneous thoughts helping in their formation and face the different situations that are presented to them throughout their lives. The knowledge that is investigated with this research is to determine the importance of creativity in the initial stage, through playful activities in children of the initial sublevel 2, allowing them to experiment, discover and develop their creativity. The problem that started this research work arises as the need for playful activities in education due to important changes in the educational conception, in the design and approach of what educational institutions should be and teach, in addition to defining the new roles for the teacher. Thus, the ideas of the bloody letter enter, the memory practices, encyclopedic and based on an excessively intellectualist school organization, change and try to transform themselves by the Horacian maxim of 'instructing delighting', with a comprehensive, active education where the The child ceases to be an object of education to become the protagonist of the educational process. The rudimentary schools, in the past with their tedious merely instructive routines, must change completely and bet on a comprehensive training that addresses all facets of the human being and becomes pleasant and really useful both for the student and for society. The strategy used for the execution of this investigative work consists of creative methods and techniques in this way we can achieve these objectives that dedicates to children most of their time in the development of skills and the greatest of their educational interests. The game will then be a key element in the new education, the basis and reason for great changes in the educational process and of main importance both for learning of an intellectual order, as well as for those related to physical or corporal, social, moral and even education. creative and aesthetic.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente trabajo de investigación está enfocado en una propuesta metodológica titulada “ACTIVIDADES LÚDICAS Y EL DESARROLLO DE LA CREATIVIDAD DE LOS ESTUDIANTES DE SUBNIVEL INICIAL 2”, tiene como propósito desarrollar la creatividad en los niños y niñas, ya que ellos son constructivistas, creativos y tener pensamientos originales y espontáneos ayudando en su formación y afrontar las diferentes situaciones que se las vayan presentando en el transcurso de su vida. El conocimiento que se investiga con esta investigación es determinar la importancia de la creatividad en la etapa inicial, atreves de actividades lúdicra en los niños del subnivel inicial 2, permitiéndoles experimentar descubrir y desarrollar su creatividad. La problemática que dio inicio a este trabajo investigativo surge como la necesidad de las actividades lúdica en la educación debido a importantes cambios en la concepción educativa, en el diseño y planteamiento de lo que debe ser y enseñar las instituciones educativas, además de definir los nuevos papeles para el docente. Así pues, la idea de las letras con sangre entra, las prácticas memorísticas, enciclopédicas y basadas en una organización escolar excesivamente intelectualista, cambian e intentan transformarse por la máxima horaciana de ‘instruir deleitando’, con una educación integral, activa y en donde el niño deja de ser objeto de educación para pasar a ser sujeto protagonista del proceso educativo. Las escuelas rudimentarias, en el pasado con sus tediosas rutinas meramente instructivas, debe cambiar por completo y apostar por una formación integral que aborde todas las facetas del ser humano y llegue a ser agradable y realmente útil tanto para el estudiante como a la sociedad. La estrategia utilizada para la ejecución de este trabajo investigativo consta de métodos y técnicas creativas de esta manera podremos alcanzar estos objetivos que dedica a la infancia la mayor de su tiempo en el desarrollo de las destrezas y el más grande de sus intereses educativo. Será entonces el juego un elemento clave en la nueva educación, base y motivo de grandes cambios en el proceso educativo y de principal importancia tanto para los aprendizajes de orden intelectual, como con aquellos relacionados con la educación física o corporal, social, moral e incluso creativa y estética.es_ES
dc.format.extent29 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2021es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectActividades lúdicases_ES
dc.subjectEducación integrales_ES
dc.subjectDesarrollo de destrezases_ES
dc.titleActividades lúdicas y el desarrollo de la creatividad de los estudiantes de subnivel inicial 2es_ES

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