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dc.contributor.advisorMorales Saa, Angela
dc.contributor.authorVargas Mora, Viviana Lorena
dc.descriptionThe managerial mediator must be a strategist, globalizer of goals, ideas and programs, a generator of programmed activities and processes that allows the fulfillment of the purposes of the educational center, which do not refer only to the pedagogical function in the classroom, but also to its link with the environment, the appropriate school organization encompassed within a comprehensive management that promotes the strengthening of educational quality in the institution, given that education is a determining factor in the formation of human talent, it is a system of dynamization, support and Accompaniment to pedagogical and institutional action is the participatory, planned and organized process through which the director, as pedagogical leader and manager of the educational center, guides, motivates, involves and is accountable to the educational community, in such a way that all efforts and wills are based on achieving better learning.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe managerial mediator must be a strategist, globalizer of goals, ideas and programs, a generator of programmed activities and processes that allows the fulfillment of the purposes of the educational center, which do not refer only to the pedagogical function in the classroom, but also to its link with the environment, the appropriate school organization encompassed within a comprehensive management that promotes the strengthening of educational quality in the institution, given that education is a determining factor in the formation of human talent, it is a system of dynamization, support and Accompaniment to pedagogical and institutional action is the participatory, planned and organized process through which the director, as pedagogical leader and manager of the educational center, guides, motivates, involves and is accountable to the educational community, in such a way that all efforts and wills are based on achieving better learning.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl mediador directivo debe ser un estratega, globalizador de las metas, ideas y programas, un generador de actividades y procesos programados que permita el cumplimiento de los propósitos del centro educativo, los cuales no se refieren solamente la función pedagógica en el aula, sino su vinculación con el entorno, la adecuada organización escolar englobados dentro de una gestión integral que propicie el fortalecimiento de la calidad educativa en la institución, dado que la educación es un factor determinante en la formación del talento humano, es un sistema de dinamización, apoyo y acompañamiento a la actuación pedagógica e institucional es el proceso participativo, planificado y organizado por medio del cual el director, como líder pedagógico y gerente del centro educativo, guía, motiva, involucra y rinde cuentas a la comunidad educativa, de tal manera que todos los esfuerzos y voluntades estén en función de lograr mejores aprendizajes.es_ES
dc.format.extent40 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2020es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectMediación directivaes_ES
dc.subjectDesarrollo de las actividades académicases_ES
dc.titleMediación directiva y su influencia en el desarrollo de las actividades académicas de los estudiantes de 5to año de Educación Básica de la escuela Leónidas Plaza Gutiérrez del Recinto La Lucha del cantón Baba provincia Los Ríos del periodo lectivo 2018- 2019es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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