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dc.descriptionThe use of technological resources in education has proven to be a determining factor in the academic development of students. This case study focuses on analyzing the impact of these resources on the academic performance of students in the 8th year of Basic General Education of the Pdte. Vicente Ramón Roca during the period 2024-2025. The main objective is to determine the impact of technological resources and how these technological tools, such as computers, tablets, educational software and internet access, influence students' learning and school performance. The methodology used includes surveys, interviews, and analysis of academic data. The results obtained confirm that students who use technological resources on a regular basis show a significant improvement in areas such as better management of technology, homework performance and class participation. In addition, an increase in motivation and interest in learning is observed, as this arouses curiosity in learning new things. However, challenges such as lack of access to technology and the need for training for both students and teachers are also identified. The current paradigm has made changes in society in various areas and among them education, it is natural that education adapts to new demands that happen in the world, that is why this era is known as the knowledge society due to the massification of the internet, since it became a point in which education has to address for the standards that are currently needed, The reason for this is because of the impact and freedoms they provide to teachers when teaching and promoting academic development in students. For this reason, technology has become a very important reference for the development of classes and planning activities. Also, we can note that the vital importance that technology had in relation to the time of the covid-19 pandemic worldwide, showed that current education is necessary to take into account the use of technological resources for the development of teaching-learning practice in order to develop students with skills, competencies and knowledge.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe use of technological resources in education has proven to be a determining factor in the academic development of students. This case study focuses on analyzing the impact of these resources on the academic performance of students in the 8th year of Basic General Education of the Pdte. Vicente Ramón Roca during the period 2024-2025. The main objective is to determine the impact of technological resources and how these technological tools, such as computers, tablets, educational software and internet access, influence students' learning and school performance. The methodology used includes surveys, interviews, and analysis of academic data. The results obtained confirm that students who use technological resources on a regular basis show a significant improvement in areas such as better management of technology, homework performance and class participation. In addition, an increase in motivation and interest in learning is observed, as this arouses curiosity in learning new things. However, challenges such as lack of access to technology and the need for training for both students and teachers are also identified. The current paradigm has made changes in society in various areas and among them education, it is natural that education adapts to new demands that happen in the world, that is why this era is known as the knowledge society due to the massification of the internet, since it became a point in which education has to address for the standards that are currently needed, The reason for this is because of the impact and freedoms they provide to teachers when teaching and promoting academic development in students. For this reason, technology has become a very important reference for the development of classes and planning activities. Also, we can note that the vital importance that technology had in relation to the time of the covid-19 pandemic worldwide, showed that current education is necessary to take into account the use of technological resources for the development of teaching-learning practice in order to develop students with skills, competencies and knowledge.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa utilización de los recursos tecnológicos en la educación ha demostrado ser un factor determinante en el desarrollo académico de los estudiantes. Este estudio de caso se centra en analizar el impacto de estos recursos en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de 8vo año de Educación General Básica de la Unidad Educativa Pdte. Vicente Ramón Roca durante el periodo 2024-2025. El objetivo principal es determinar el impacto de los recursos tecnológicos y como estas herramientas tecnológicas, como computadoras, tabletas, software educativo y acceso a internet, influye en el aprendizaje y el desempeño escolar de los alumnos. La metodología utilizada incluye encuestas, entrevistas y análisis de datos académicos. Los resultados obtenidos nos confirman que los estudiantes que utilizan recursos tecnológicos de manera regular muestran una mejora significativa en áreas como el mejor manejo de tecnología, la realización de tareas y la participación en clase. Además, se observa un aumento en la motivación y el interés por el aprendizaje ya que esto despierta curiosidad en aprender cosas nuevas. Sin embargo, también se identifican desafíos como la falta de acceso a la tecnología y la necesidad de capacitación tanto para estudiantes como para docentes. El paradigma actual ha realizado cambios en la sociedad en diversos ámbitos y entre ellas la educación, es natural que la educación se adapte a nuevas demandas que pasan en el mundo, por ello esta era, es conocida como la sociedad del conocimiento por la masificación del internet, ya que se volvió un punto en que la educación tiene que abordar para los estándares que se necesitan actualmente, la razón de ello es por el impacto e libertades que brindan a los docentes al momento de impartir sus enseñanzas y promover un desarrollo académico en los estudiantes. Por ello la tecnología se ha convertido un referente muy importante para el desarrollo de las clase y planificación de actividades. También, podemos acotar que la vital importancia que tuvo la tecnología con referente la época de la pandemia del covid19 a nivel mundial, demostró que la educación actual es necesario tener en cuenta el uso de los recursos tecnológicos para el desarrollo de la práctica de enseñanza -aprendizaje para poder desarrollar alumnos con habilidades, competencias y conocimientos.es_ES
dc.format.extent35 p.es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectRecursos Tecnológicoses_ES
dc.subjectRendimiento Académicoes_ES

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