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dc.contributor.advisorGutiérrez Mora, Xavier Alberto
dc.contributor.authorNavarrete Rodríguez, Franklin Aldair
dc.descriptionIn the development of this research based on the "Agricultural Machinery in the exploitation of tobacco cultivation (Nicotiana tabacum) in Ecuador. In which it was raised as an objective, was to describe the impact of mechanized tillage on the productivity of tobacco cultivation (Nicotiana tabacum) in Ecuador. The methodology, it is determined that it was based on a basic type of research, where it was developed under a descriptive-analytical approach, with a qualitative research design, in its development the origin of tobacco, its botanical characteristics, economic importance and geographical location, tillage, types of tillage and components of mechanized tillage. Regarding the results, an average saving of 30% in labor costs was obtained. However, the large investment necessary for the acquisition of agricultural machinery must be compared with this initial saving, in addition, a more vigorous and uniform growth of the plants is favored by the improvement in the structure of the soil. In conclusion, with an average increase of 25% in yields per hectare, the use of mechanized tillage has significantly improved the productivity of tobacco crops in Ecuador. In addition, maintaining humidity, essential for the development of tobacco, and preserving soil structure are benefits of these techniques. Also, the uniformity and precision of the machinery allow for a more homogeneous plantation and better control of soil conditions, which can result in higher productivity.es_ES
dc.descriptionIn the development of this research based on the "Agricultural Machinery in the exploitation of tobacco cultivation (Nicotiana tabacum) in Ecuador. In which it was raised as an objective, was to describe the impact of mechanized tillage on the productivity of tobacco cultivation (Nicotiana tabacum) in Ecuador. The methodology, it is determined that it was based on a basic type of research, where it was developed under a descriptive-analytical approach, with a qualitative research design, in its development the origin of tobacco, its botanical characteristics, economic importance and geographical location, tillage, types of tillage and components of mechanized tillage. Regarding the results, an average saving of 30% in labor costs was obtained. However, the large investment necessary for the acquisition of agricultural machinery must be compared with this initial saving, in addition, a more vigorous and uniform growth of the plants is favored by the improvement in the structure of the soil. In conclusion, with an average increase of 25% in yields per hectare, the use of mechanized tillage has significantly improved the productivity of tobacco crops in Ecuador. In addition, maintaining humidity, essential for the development of tobacco, and preserving soil structure are benefits of these techniques. Also, the uniformity and precision of the machinery allow for a more homogeneous plantation and better control of soil conditions, which can result in higher productivity.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEn el desarrollo de esta investigación basada en el “Maquinarias Agrícola en la explotación del cultivo de tabaco (Nicotiana tabacum) en el Ecuador. En el cual se planteó como objetivo, fue describir el impacto de la labranza mecanizada en la productividad del cultivo de tabaco (Nicotiana tabacum) en Ecuador. La metodología, se determina que se basó en un tipo de investigación básico, donde se desarrolló bajo un enfoque descriptivo-analítico, con un diseño de investigación cualitativo, en su desarrollo el origen del tabaco sus características botánicas, importancia económica y ubicación geográfica, la labranza, los tipos de labranza y los componentes de la labranza mecanizada. En cuanto a los resultados, se obtuvieron un ahorro promedio del 30% en costos laborales. No obstante, la gran inversión necesaria para la adquisición de maquinaria agrícola debe ser comparada con este ahorro inicial, además, un crecimiento más vigoroso y uniforme de las plantas se ve favorecido por la mejora en la estructura del suelo. En conclusión, Con un incremento promedio del 25% en los rendimientos por hectárea, el uso de labranza mecanizada ha mejorado significativamente la productividad del cultivo de tabaco en Ecuador, además, el mantenimiento de la humedad, esencial para el desarrollo del tabaco, y la preservación de la estructura del suelo son beneficios de estas técnicas, también la uniformidad y precisión de la maquinaria posibilitan una plantación más homogénea y un mejor control de las condiciones del suelo, lo que puede resultar en una mayor productividad.es_ES
dc.format.extent28 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleMaquinaria Agrícola en la explotación del cultivo de tabaco (Nicotiana tabacum) en el Ecuadores_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
Except where otherwise noted, this item's license is described as Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador