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dc.contributor.advisorGuevara Espinoza, Juan Carlos
dc.contributor.authorSolis Rodríguez, Rosalia Esther
dc.descriptionIn this present investigation we highlight the central theme that is the "Internet of things and its incidence in the learning process in the period December 2022-April 2023" which we focus on the benefits of technological tools for students and teachers of the pedagogy of experimental sciences career which highlights the importance of having the knowledge of this information that is at our fingertips. We emphasize that there is a lot of research to be able to function as future professionals in the technological area and that it is extremely important to know about the tools that are on our side to be able to interact in the classroom. The observation method for the collection of information was carried out in person at the Technical University of Babahoyo in the pedagogy of experimental sciences career, highlighting that the results obtained were thanks to the survey carried out on the students of the career. Having as a general objective the influence that these technological tools have and their contribution in the educational process, resulting in the great benefits of knowing about the tools that we have to function in the classroom, which allows us to manipulate the virtual area.es_ES
dc.descriptionIn this present investigation we highlight the central theme that is the "Internet of things and its incidence in the learning process in the period December 2022-April 2023" which we focus on the benefits of technological tools for students and teachers of the pedagogy of experimental sciences career which highlights the importance of having the knowledge of this information that is at our fingertips. We emphasize that there is a lot of research to be able to function as future professionals in the technological area and that it is extremely important to know about the tools that are on our side to be able to interact in the classroom. The observation method for the collection of information was carried out in person at the Technical University of Babahoyo in the pedagogy of experimental sciences career, highlighting that the results obtained were thanks to the survey carried out on the students of the career. Having as a general objective the influence that these technological tools have and their contribution in the educational process, resulting in the great benefits of knowing about the tools that we have to function in the classroom, which allows us to manipulate the virtual area.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEn esta presente investigación destacamos el tema central que es el “Internet de las cosas y su incidencia en el proceso de aprendizaje en el periodo diciembre 2022-abril 2023” el cual nos enfocamos en los beneficios de las herramientas tecnológicas para los estudiantes y docentes de la carrera pedagogía de las ciencias experimentales de la cual se destaca la importancia de tener el conocimiento de esta información que está al alcance de nuestras manos. Resaltamos que hay mucha indagación para poder desenvolvernos como futuros profesionales en el área tecnológica y que es de suma importancia conocer acerca de las herramientas que están de nuestro lado para poder interactuar en el aula de clase. El método de observación para recopilación de información fue realizado de manera presencial en la Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo a la carrera de pedagogía de las ciencias experimentales destacando que los resultados obtenidos fueron gracias a la encuesta realizada a los estudiantes de la carrera. Teniendo como objetivo general la influencia que tienen estas herramientas tecnológicas y su aporte en el proceso educativo, teniendo como resultado, los grandes beneficios al conocer acerca de las herramientas que tenemos para desenvolverse en aula de clases, la cual nos permite manipular el área virtual.es_ES
dc.format.extent39 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2023es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectInternet de las cosases_ES
dc.subjectHerramientas tecnológicases_ES
dc.subjectEnseñanza aprendizajees_ES
dc.titleEl internet de las cosas y su incidencia en el proceso de aprendizaje en los estudiantes de la carrera de Pedagogía de las Ciencias Experimentales Informática, de la Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo, periodo diciembre 2022-abril 2023es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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