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dc.contributor.advisorSánchez Salazar, Tanya del Rocío
dc.contributor.authorVecilla Ochoa, Glenda Amanda
dc.descriptionDEVELOPMENT OF CREATIVITY THROUGH THE APPLICATION OF LEISURE TECHNIQUES the research work at the Francisco Huerta Rendón school led me to meet teachers who did not have creativity at the time of teaching their classes, since the students were discouraged and with low self-esteem, remember that the teacher is the reflection of enthusiasm and love at the time of teaching their classes so that students acquire meaningful learning, which is why it is imparted to apply creativity with playful techniques. The global development of boys and girls is achieved through the application of methodological strategies that are meaningful following the playful guideline, this being one of the transversal axes of basic general education, for this reason it is of great importance to promote in our daily practice of playful activities as effective and efficient teaching tools within different learning contexts. Considering that recreational activities are the best tactics to acquire new knowledge, the same that will be obtained in a natural and effective way in a warm and pleasant environment where students will feel very encouraged to learn and create. Undoubtedly the infants of the fourth grade of basic general education of the Educational Unit "Francisco Huerta Rendón" learn more easily through recreational activities which must be planned pedagogically by the teacher taking into account that children are the main protagonists of education, respecting their level of learning and their chronological age. In our country, the universalization of initial education is part of the current ten-year plan as a priority element and ratified in the 2008 constitution and in the LOEI, therefore, the improvement and implementation of activities is being taken into account since it is important to improve from all areas of student development. By carrying out this documentary investigation, investigative and professional skills and competencies are acquired that allow solving classroom problems.es_ES
dc.descriptionDEVELOPMENT OF CREATIVITY THROUGH THE APPLICATION OF LEISURE TECHNIQUES the research work at the Francisco Huerta Rendón school led me to meet teachers who did not have creativity at the time of teaching their classes, since the students were discouraged and with low self-esteem, remember that the teacher is the reflection of enthusiasm and love at the time of teaching their classes so that students acquire meaningful learning, which is why it is imparted to apply creativity with playful techniques. The global development of boys and girls is achieved through the application of methodological strategies that are meaningful following the playful guideline, this being one of the transversal axes of basic general education, for this reason it is of great importance to promote in our daily practice of playful activities as effective and efficient teaching tools within different learning contexts. Considering that recreational activities are the best tactics to acquire new knowledge, the same that will be obtained in a natural and effective way in a warm and pleasant environment where students will feel very encouraged to learn and create. Undoubtedly the infants of the fourth grade of basic general education of the Educational Unit "Francisco Huerta Rendón" learn more easily through recreational activities which must be planned pedagogically by the teacher taking into account that children are the main protagonists of education, respecting their level of learning and their chronological age. In our country, the universalization of initial education is part of the current ten-year plan as a priority element and ratified in the 2008 constitution and in the LOEI, therefore, the improvement and implementation of activities is being taken into account since it is important to improve from all areas of student development. By carrying out this documentary investigation, investigative and professional skills and competencies are acquired that allow solving classroom problems.es_ES
dc.description.abstractDESARROLLO DE LA CREATIVIDAD MEDIANTE LA APLICACIÓN DE TÉCNICAS LÚDICAS el trabajo de investigación en la escuela Francisco Huerta Rendón me llevo a conocer a docentes que no poseían la creatividad al momento de impartir sus clases, ya que los estudiantes se encontraban desanimados y con baja autoestima, recordemos que el docente es el reflejo de entusiasmo y amor al momento de impartir sus clases para que los educandos adquieran los aprendizajes significativos por lo cual es imparte aplicar la creatividad con técnicas lúdicas. El desarrollo global de los niños y niñas se logra a través de la aplicación de estrategias metodológicas que sean significativas siguiendo como lineamiento la lúdica, siendo este uno de los ejes transversales de la educación general básica, por tal motivo es de gran importancia promover en nuestra práctica diaria actividades lúdicas como herramientas eficaces y eficientes en la enseñanza dentro de diferentes contextos de aprendizajes. Considerando que las actividades lúdicas son las mejores tácticas para lograr adquirir el nuevo conocimiento, el mismo que se obtendrá de manera natural, eficaz en un ambiente cálido y ameno donde los estudiantes se sentirán muy animados en aprender y crear. Sin duda alguna los infantes del cuarto grado de educación general básica de la Unidad Educativa “Francisco Huerta Rendón” aprenden con mayor facilidad a través de actividades lúdicas las cuales deben ser planeadas de manera pedagógica por el docente tomando en cuenta que los niños son los principales protagonistas de la educación, respetando su nivel de aprendizaje y su edad cronológica. En nuestro país es parte del plan decenal vigente la universalización de la educación inicial como un elemento prioritario y ratificado en la constitución del 2008 y en la LOEI por lo tanto se está tomando en cuenta el mejoramiento e implemento de actividades ya que es importante el perfeccionamiento de todas las áreas del desarrollo del estudiante. Realizando esta investigación documental se adquiere destrezas y competencias investigativas y profesionales que permitan dar solución a los problemas del aula.es_ES
dc.format.extent32 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2023es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleLúdica y su aporte en el desarrollo de la creatividad en estudiantes de 4º básica de la Unidad Educativa Francisco Huerta Rendón de la Parroquia Clemente Baquerizo cantón Babahoyo Provincia de Los Ríoses_ES

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