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dc.contributor.advisorBlaschke Guillen, Guisella
dc.contributor.authorFranco Chica, Jacqueline Lisseth
dc.descriptionEating habits are established during childhood that will later be difficult to change. With proper eating and lifestyle habits, we contribute positively to building and shaping your body and improving your health, physical performance, and academic performance. A correct diet during childhood is important, because the child's body is growing and forming, which is why it is more vulnerable to any nutritional problem. A healthy and balanced diet is essential for the health status of children, and a determining factor for a proper functioning of the body, good growth, an optimal ability to learn, communicate, think, socialize and adapt to new environments and people, a correct development psychomotor and ultimately for the prevention of risk factors that influence the appearance of some diseases. Good nutrition is the first line of defense against many childhood illnesses that can leave their mark on children for life. The effects of malnutrition in early childhood (0 to 8 years) can be devastating and long-lasting. They can impede behavioral and cognitive development, school performance, and reproductive health, thereby undermining future productivity at work.es_ES
dc.descriptionEating habits are established during childhood that will later be difficult to change. With proper eating and lifestyle habits, we contribute positively to building and shaping your body and improving your health, physical performance, and academic performance. A correct diet during childhood is important, because the child's body is growing and forming, which is why it is more vulnerable to any nutritional problem. A healthy and balanced diet is essential for the health status of children, and a determining factor for a proper functioning of the body, good growth, an optimal ability to learn, communicate, think, socialize and adapt to new environments and people, a correct development psychomotor and ultimately for the prevention of risk factors that influence the appearance of some diseases. Good nutrition is the first line of defense against many childhood illnesses that can leave their mark on children for life. The effects of malnutrition in early childhood (0 to 8 years) can be devastating and long-lasting. They can impede behavioral and cognitive development, school performance, and reproductive health, thereby undermining future productivity at work.es_ES
dc.description.abstractDurante la infancia se establecen los hábitos alimenticios que posteriormente serán difíciles de cambiar. Con hábitos adecuados en la alimentación y en el estilo de vida, contribuimos de forma positiva en la construcción y modelado de su cuerpo y en la mejora de su salud, rendimiento físico y desempeño académico. Una alimentación correcta durante la infancia, es importante, porque el organismo del niño se encuentra en crecimiento y formación, razones por lo que es más vulnerable ante cualquier problema nutricional. Una alimentación saludable y equilibrada es fundamental para el estado de salud de los niños, y determinante para un correcto funcionamiento del organismo, buen crecimiento, una óptima capacidad de aprendizaje, comunicarse, pensar, socializar y adaptarse a nuevos ambientes y personas, un correcto desarrollo psicomotor y en definitiva para la prevención de factores de riesgo que influyen en la aparición de algunas enfermedades. Una buena nutrición es la primera línea de defensa contra numerosas enfermedades infantiles que pueden dejar huellas en los niños de por vida. Los efectos de la desnutrición en la primera infancia (0 a 8 años) pueden ser devastadores y duraderos. Pueden impedir el desarrollo conductual y cognitivo, el rendimiento escolar y la salud reproductiva, debilitando así la futura productividad en el trabajo.es_ES
dc.format.extent22 pes_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2021es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectDesarrollo nutricionales_ES
dc.subjectDesempeño académicoes_ES
dc.titleDesarrollo nutricional y su aporte en el desempeño académico de los estudiantes de 2° año de educación general básica de la Unidad Educativa del Milenio Carmelina Granja Villanueva Parroquia San Carlos, Cantón Quevedo, provincia de los Ríos.es_ES

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