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dc.contributor.advisorDaza Suárez, Sandra Karina
dc.contributor.authorVallejo Freire, Mónica Lissette
dc.descriptionDyslexia affects 10% of children worldwide. At the Fausto Molina Molina School, it could be seen that there is no estimate of the students who have dyslexia, which could cause unfair treatment in children who suffer from this difficulty, children tend to bully them and teachers do not know their condition gives them unfair treatment, on the other hand, parents are ignorant of dyslexia in their children. As the research is aimed at reducing the risks run by children from the 5th “C” of the Fausto Molina Molina School with poor school performance due to undiagnosed dyslexia, this place is chosen precisely because it has reference to the fact that there are children with symptoms of dyslexia. The main objective of the thesis is the Diagnosis of learning difficulties due to Dyslexia, in order to know the subject in depth, concepts such as the type of dyslexia, warning signs in children with dyslexia problems, among others, were addressed. In the development of the results it was possible to verify the hypotheses, in the investigation the analytical and deductive methods were of great help. The most relevant conclusion is that of the results obtained where it was evidenced that parents have no idea whether or not their children have dyslexia, for which it was recommended that parents should take their children to a comprehensive health assessment to that can treat dyslexia in time.es_ES
dc.descriptionDyslexia affects 10% of children worldwide. At the Fausto Molina Molina School, it could be seen that there is no estimate of the students who have dyslexia, which could cause unfair treatment in children who suffer from this difficulty, children tend to bully them and teachers do not know their condition gives them unfair treatment, on the other hand, parents are ignorant of dyslexia in their children. As the research is aimed at reducing the risks run by children from the 5th “C” of the Fausto Molina Molina School with poor school performance due to undiagnosed dyslexia, this place is chosen precisely because it has reference to the fact that there are children with symptoms of dyslexia. The main objective of the thesis is the Diagnosis of learning difficulties due to Dyslexia, in order to know the subject in depth, concepts such as the type of dyslexia, warning signs in children with dyslexia problems, among others, were addressed. In the development of the results it was possible to verify the hypotheses, in the investigation the analytical and deductive methods were of great help. The most relevant conclusion is that of the results obtained where it was evidenced that parents have no idea whether or not their children have dyslexia, for which it was recommended that parents should take their children to a comprehensive health assessment to that can treat dyslexia in time.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa Dislexia afecta al 10% de los niños en el mundo entero. En la Escuela Fausto Molina Molina se pudo ver que no se tiene una estimación de los alumnos que tienen dislexia, lo que pudo provocar un trato injusto en los niños que padecen de dicha dificultad, los niños tiendes a hacerle bullying y los docentes al no conocer su condición les dan un trato injusto, por otro lado, se presenta el desconocimiento de los padres con relación a dislexia en sus hijos. Por lo que la investigación está encaminada a disminuir los riesgos que corren los niños del 5to “C” de la Escuela Fausto Molina Molina con bajo rendimiento escolar debido a la dislexia que no ha sido diagnosticada, se escoge precisamente este lugar por tener referencia de que existen niños con síntomas de dislexia. El principal objetivo de la tesina es el Diagnóstico de las dificultades del aprendizaje por Dislexia, para conocer a profundidad el tema se abordaron conceptos como el tipo de dislexia, señales de alerta en niños con problemas de dislexia, entre otros. En el desarrollo de los resultados se pudo comprobar las hipótesis, en la investigación fue de gran ayuda los métodos analíticos y deductivos. La conclusión más relevante es la de los resultados obtenidos donde se evidenció que los padres no tienen idea de si sus hijos tienen o no dislexia, por lo cual se recomendó que los padres de familia deben llevar a sus hijos a una evaluación exhaustiva de salud para que puedan tratar a tiempo la dislexia.es_ES
dc.format.extent27 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2021es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleDificultad del aprendizaje: Dislexia de los estudiantes de 5to. “C” de la Escuela Fausto Molina Molinaes_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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