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dc.contributor.advisorSalamea Limones, Victoria
dc.contributor.authorBenavides Mejia, Jordan Maiky
dc.descriptionThe digital platform & quot;YouTube" was born as a communication strategy in order to create content, this led to the birth of "Youtubers", people who are dedicated to developing, uploading and sharing information applying strategies to obtain economic profitability. The objective of this project was to analyze the YouTube social network as the main source of income for young people in Ecuador. It was also sought to identify and explain the factors that influence this environment. To carry out this research, the qualitative methodology was used, which makes it possible to collect necessary informational resources from the internet and the digital medium, in order to observe the videos posted on the network of the channel of these characters. In the investigation we were able to know that the usefulness of youtubers always depends on the amount of advertising spaces that they manage to publish among their videos. The profit of content creators depends on advertising and in turn, on the territory and local currency; the profit obtained is shared with google, and in our country there is still no “Partner” or monetization system existing in other countries.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe digital platform & quot;YouTube" was born as a communication strategy in order to create content, this led to the birth of "Youtubers", people who are dedicated to developing, uploading and sharing information applying strategies to obtain economic profitability. The objective of this project was to analyze the YouTube social network as the main source of income for young people in Ecuador. It was also sought to identify and explain the factors that influence this environment. To carry out this research, the qualitative methodology was used, which makes it possible to collect necessary informational resources from the internet and the digital medium, in order to observe the videos posted on the network of the channel of these characters. In the investigation we were able to know that the usefulness of youtubers always depends on the amount of advertising spaces that they manage to publish among their videos. The profit of content creators depends on advertising and in turn, on the territory and local currency; the profit obtained is shared with google, and in our country there is still no “Partner” or monetization system existing in other countries.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa plataforma digital “Youtube” nace como una estrategia comunicativa con el fin de crear contenidos, esto originó el nacimiento de los “Youtubers” personas que se dedican a desarrollar, subir y compartir información aplicando estrategias para obtener rentabilidad económica. El objetivo de este proyecto fue analizar la red social YouTube como principal fuente de ingreso para jóvenes en Ecuador. También se buscó identificar y explicar los factores que influyen en este medio. Para efectuar esta investigación se utilizó la metodología cualitativa, que permite recopilar recursos informativos necesarios de internet y del medio digital, para así observar los videos colgados en la red del canal de estos personajes. En la investigación pudimos conocer que la utilidad de los youtuberos depende siempre de la cantidad de espacios publicitarios que logren publicar entre sus videos. La ganancia de los creadores de contenido depende de la publicidad y a su vez, del territorio y moneda local; la utilidad obtenida es compartida con google, y en nuestro país aún no hay el sistema “Partner” o de monetización existente en otros países.es_ES
dc.format.extent24 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2021es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectFuente de ingresoes_ES
dc.titlePlataforma youtube como principal fuente de ingreso para jóvenes en Ecuadores_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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