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dc.contributor.advisorTouma Faytong, Mario Alberto
dc.contributor.authorRodríguez Rodríguez, Angie Pamela
dc.descriptionThe case of Comercial Sandrita, located in the Alfredo Baquerizo Moreno Juján canton, is highly relevant for several reasons. This analysis not only provided us with information on specific practices, but also offered valuable lessons and knowledge applicable to the field of marketing in general. The main objective was to examine comercial Sandrita's marketing strategies to understand their impact on its positioning, performance, and competitiveness in the market. Based on a qualitative method, the research used interviews and data from the target market to formulate theoretical conclusions. The methodology focused on the variable of marketing strategy within the context of the commercial, applying techniques such as the SWOT matrix and interviews. The results indicated that Comercial Sandrita lacks an effective marketing strategy, which limits its competitiveness in a saturated market without clear differentiation. It also identified the absence of adequate training in the use of marketing tools. It was found that it has a solid base of strengths that it can capitalize on to take advantage of emerging opportunities in the market. It is highlighted that Comercial Sandrita has failed to create and execute effective strategies that could increase its visibility in the market. The investigation covered the areas of Financial Management, Administration, Taxation, Audit and Control, as well as Marketing and Commercialization, providing a comprehensive view of the situation and highlighting the need for a more solid marketing strategy.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe case of Comercial Sandrita, located in the Alfredo Baquerizo Moreno Juján canton, is highly relevant for several reasons. This analysis not only provided us with information on specific practices, but also offered valuable lessons and knowledge applicable to the field of marketing in general. The main objective was to examine comercial Sandrita's marketing strategies to understand their impact on its positioning, performance, and competitiveness in the market. Based on a qualitative method, the research used interviews and data from the target market to formulate theoretical conclusions. The methodology focused on the variable of marketing strategy within the context of the commercial, applying techniques such as the SWOT matrix and interviews. The results indicated that Comercial Sandrita lacks an effective marketing strategy, which limits its competitiveness in a saturated market without clear differentiation. It also identified the absence of adequate training in the use of marketing tools. It was found that it has a solid base of strengths that it can capitalize on to take advantage of emerging opportunities in the market. It is highlighted that Comercial Sandrita has failed to create and execute effective strategies that could increase its visibility in the market. The investigation covered the areas of Financial Management, Administration, Taxation, Audit and Control, as well as Marketing and Commercialization, providing a comprehensive view of the situation and highlighting the need for a more solid marketing strategy.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl caso del Comercial Sandrita, situado en el cantón Alfredo Baquerizo Moreno Jujan, tiene gran relevancia por varias razones. Este análisis no solo nos proporcionó información las prácticas específicas, sino que también ofreció valiosas lecciones y conocimientos aplicables al campo del marketing en general. El objetivo principal fue examinar las estrategias de marketing del Comercial Sandrita para entender su impacto en su posicionamiento, rendimiento y competitividad en el mercado. Basado en un método cualitativo, la investigación utilizó entrevistas y datos del mercado objetivo para formular conclusiones teóricas. La metodología se centró en la variable de estrategia de marketing dentro del contexto del comercial, aplicando técnicas como la matriz FODA y entrevistas. Los resultados indicaron que el comercial Sandrita carece de una estrategia de marketing efectiva, lo cual limita su competitividad en un mercado saturado y sin diferenciación clara. También identificó la ausencia de capacitación adecuada en el uso de herramientas de marketing. Se obtuvo que tiene una base sólida de fortalezas que puede capitalizar para aprovechar las oportunidades emergentes en el mercado. Se resalta que comercial Sandrita ha fallado en crear y ejecutar estrategias efectivas que podrían elevar su visibilidad en el mercado. La investigación abarcó las áreas de Gestión Financiera, Administrativa, Tributaria, Auditoría y Control, así como Marketing y Comercialización, proporcionando una visión integral de la situación y destacando la necesidad de una estrategia de marketing más sólida.es_ES
dc.format.extent37 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectComercial Sandritaes_ES
dc.titleEstrategias de marketing en Comercial Sandrita del Cantón Alfredo Baquerizo Moreno Jujan.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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