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dc.contributor.advisorSandoya Valero, Elsy Carlota
dc.contributor.authorRodríguez Amat, Bolter Harrison
dc.descriptionThe case study entitled: Administrative Process of the Family Medical Center "CEMEFA-SALUD" in the city of Babahoyo, period 2023. Its general objective is to analyse administrative processes; since the existing problem is due to the lack of coordination on the part of the administration, this is manifested in the delay in the attention to users, errors in the management of information when scheduling medical appointments, there is also a lack of planning in the registry of clinical records. This includes the impact on planning, organisation, direction and control, Therefore, the present case study aims to address the problem to ensure the development of organizational strategies and highlight the importance of administrative processes in the operation of the company, to improve the operativity, effectiveness and efficiency. In addition, various research tools such as the SWOT survey and matrix have been established to examine different aspects, with the aim of identifying areas of incidence that need improvement. In this sense, it is recommended that the Family Medical Center "CEMEFA-SALUD" take advantage of the information gathered in the present case study. This will make it possible to understand the stages of the administrative process, guide the development of new strategies, improve internal and external factors, which will contribute to the competitive advantage in the market and improve its operational efficiency, significantly improving the working climate and overall performance of the company.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe case study entitled: Administrative Process of the Family Medical Center "CEMEFA-SALUD" in the city of Babahoyo, period 2023. Its general objective is to analyse administrative processes; since the existing problem is due to the lack of coordination on the part of the administration, this is manifested in the delay in the attention to users, errors in the management of information when scheduling medical appointments, there is also a lack of planning in the registry of clinical records. This includes the impact on planning, organisation, direction and control, Therefore, the present case study aims to address the problem to ensure the development of organizational strategies and highlight the importance of administrative processes in the operation of the company, to improve the operativity, effectiveness and efficiency. In addition, various research tools such as the SWOT survey and matrix have been established to examine different aspects, with the aim of identifying areas of incidence that need improvement. In this sense, it is recommended that the Family Medical Center "CEMEFA-SALUD" take advantage of the information gathered in the present case study. This will make it possible to understand the stages of the administrative process, guide the development of new strategies, improve internal and external factors, which will contribute to the competitive advantage in the market and improve its operational efficiency, significantly improving the working climate and overall performance of the company.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl estudio de caso titulado: Proceso Administrativo del Centro Médico Familiar “CEMEFA-SALUD” en la ciudad de Babahoyo, periodo 2023. Tiene como objetivo general, analizar los procesos administrativos; dado que, la problemática existente se debe a la falta de coordinación por parte de la administración, esto se manifiesta en la demora de la atención a los usuarios, errores en la gestión de información al agendar las citas médicas, también se visualiza falta de planificación en el registro de los expedientes clínicos. Esto engloba la incidencia en la planificación, organización, dirección y control, por ello, el presente estudio de caso pretende abordar la problemática para asegurar el desarrollo de las estrategias organizacionales y destacar la importancia de los procesos administrativos en el funcionamiento de la empresa, para mejorar la operatividad, eficacia y la eficiencia. Además, se ha establecido diversas herramientas de investigación como la encuesta y matriz FODA, para examinar diferentes aspectos, con la finalidad de identificar áreas de incidencia que requieren mejora. En este sentido, se recomienda al Centro Médico Familiar “CEMEFA-SALUD” que aproveche la información recopilada en el presente estudio de caso. Esto permitirá comprender las etapas del proceso administrativo, orientar el desarrollo de nuevas estrategias, mejorar los factores internos y externos, lo que contribuirá a la ventaja competitiva en el mercado y a mejorar su eficiencia operativa, mejorando significativamente el clima laboral y el rendimiento general de la empresa.es_ES
dc.format.extent44 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectProceso Administrativoes_ES
dc.titleProceso administrativo en el Centro Médico Familiar “Cemefa-Salud” en la ciudad de Babahoyo, periodo 2023.es_ES

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