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dc.contributor.advisorHuilcapi Masacón, Magdalena Rosario
dc.contributor.authorPiza Tierra, Christopher Alejandro
dc.descriptionThe research based on a case study was carried out at the company Disensa Distribuidora Touma in the city of Babahoyo. The research covers the variable of human talent management, because it is very important to pay attention to the processes used to incorporate people to work for the company. The objective of the research was to analyze the Human Talent Management at Disensa Distribuidora Touma in the city of Babahoyo for the period 2023, applying research techniques that allow the improvement of the work environment. To fulfill this purpose, a descriptive methodology design was used, supported by the deductive and inductive method, the survey applied to the staff and the interview with the manager were used. As a result, it was obtained that there is an acceptable management of human talent, where processes such as recruitment and selection of personnel are prioritized, 20% of the staff does not have access to training, so it is recommended that a comprehensive plan be structured that benefits all workers. The line of research was: Financial, administrative, tax, audit and control management, and is also part of the research subline: Public and private companies and institutions, being closely linked to the research carried out.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe research based on a case study was carried out at the company Disensa Distribuidora Touma in the city of Babahoyo. The research covers the variable of human talent management, because it is very important to pay attention to the processes used to incorporate people to work for the company. The objective of the research was to analyze the Human Talent Management at Disensa Distribuidora Touma in the city of Babahoyo for the period 2023, applying research techniques that allow the improvement of the work environment. To fulfill this purpose, a descriptive methodology design was used, supported by the deductive and inductive method, the survey applied to the staff and the interview with the manager were used. As a result, it was obtained that there is an acceptable management of human talent, where processes such as recruitment and selection of personnel are prioritized, 20% of the staff does not have access to training, so it is recommended that a comprehensive plan be structured that benefits all workers. The line of research was: Financial, administrative, tax, audit and control management, and is also part of the research subline: Public and private companies and institutions, being closely linked to the research carried out.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa investigación que se basa en un estudio de caso se llevó a cabo en la empresa Disensa Distribuidora Touma de la ciudad de Babahoyo. La investigación abarca la variable gestión del talento humano, debido a que es muy importante prestar atención a los procesos que se emplean para incorporar personas a trabajar a la empresa. El objetivo de la investigación consistió en analizar la Gestión de Talento Humano en Disensa Distribuidora Touma de la ciudad de Babahoyo periodo 2023, aplicando técnicas de investigación que permitan el mejoramiento del ambiente laboral. Para cumplir con este propósito se empleó un diseño de metodología descriptivo, apoyada en el método deductivo e inductivo, se utilizó la encuesta aplicada al personal y la entrevista al gerente. Como resultado se obtuvo que existe una gestión aceptable del talento humano, donde se priorizan procesos como el reclutamiento y selección de personal, un 20% del personal no acede a capacitaciones, por lo que se recomienda que se estructure un plan integral que beneficie a todos los trabajadores. La línea de investigación fue: Gestión Financiera, administrativa, tributaria, auditoría y control, así mismo, se enmarca en la sublínea de investigación: Empresas e Instituciones Públicas y Privadas, estando estrechamente articuladas con la investigación realizada.es_ES
dc.format.extent48 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectTalento humanoes_ES
dc.subjectSelección de personales_ES
dc.titleGestión de Talento Humano en Disensa Distribuidora Touma de la Ciudad de Babahoyo, periodo 2023.es_ES

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