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dc.contributor.advisorGuillin Nuñez, Milton Eduardo
dc.contributor.authorCerezo Aguiño, Damaris Noemi
dc.descriptionThis project analyzes the promotional strategies used by the company Rico Pan in the canton of Babahoyo, province of Los Ríos, during the year 2023, with the aim of increasing sales and improving brand presence in the local market. The research focuses on examining the promotional strategies employed by Rico Pan in the city of Babahoyo. To conduct this analysis, a significant method was used: the hypothetico-deductive method. The phase involved observation during the information gathering of the SWOT matrix and surveys conducted with the company's customers. The results indicate that direct promotions, such as discounts, special offers, and promotions, are absent within the company, which leads to a decrease in product sales. Additionally, it was observed that participation in community events and local fairs has not increased brand visibility. Based on these findings, it is recommended to continue implementing promotional strategies and explore new digital opportunities to further strengthen the promotional strategy.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis project analyzes the promotional strategies used by the company Rico Pan in the canton of Babahoyo, province of Los Ríos, during the year 2023, with the aim of increasing sales and improving brand presence in the local market. The research focuses on examining the promotional strategies employed by Rico Pan in the city of Babahoyo. To conduct this analysis, a significant method was used: the hypothetico-deductive method. The phase involved observation during the information gathering of the SWOT matrix and surveys conducted with the company's customers. The results indicate that direct promotions, such as discounts, special offers, and promotions, are absent within the company, which leads to a decrease in product sales. Additionally, it was observed that participation in community events and local fairs has not increased brand visibility. Based on these findings, it is recommended to continue implementing promotional strategies and explore new digital opportunities to further strengthen the promotional strategy.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente proyecto analiza las estrategias promocionales utilizadas por la empresa “Rico Pan” en el cantón Babahoyo, provincia de Los Ríos, durante el año 2023, con el objetivo de aumentar las ventas y mejorar la presencia de la marca en el mercado local. La investigación se centra en analizar las estrategias promocionales en la venta en la empresa “Rico Pan” de la ciudad de Babahoyo. Para llevar a cabo este análisis, se empleó un método importante como el método hipotético deductivo donde su fase fue mediante la observación utilizada durante la recolección de la información de la matriz FODA y encuestas a clientes de la empresa. Los resultados indican que la promoción directa, como descuentos, ofertas especiales y promociones, no existe dentro de la empresa lo que hace que baje el nivel de venta en los productos. Además, se observó que la participación en eventos comunitarios y ferias locales no ha incrementado la visibilidad de la marca. Con base en estos hallazgos, se recomienda seguir implementando estrategias promocionales y explorar nuevas oportunidades digitales para fortalecer aún más la estrategia promocional.ches_ES
dc.format.extent42 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleEstrategias promocionales en las ventas en la Empresa “Rico Pan” del cantón Babahoyo provincia de Los Ríos en el periodo 2023.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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