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dc.contributor.advisorParedes Lozano, Lidia
dc.contributor.authorMarmolejo Dicado, Aron Felipe
dc.descriptionAn alternative method of providing protein to ruminants such as cattle is through hydroponically grown corn fodder (HMF). The objective was to describe how hydroponically grown forage corn is used to feed livestock in Ecuador. The inferences made are as follows: The nutritional quality of hydroponic green corn forage provides dry matter (on a dry basis) 86.60 - 90.93%, crude protein 9.78 - 19%, crude fiber 5.40 - 25, 10%, total digestible nutrients 71.87 - 80.81%, Metabolizable Energy of 3216 kcal/kg, its digestibility ranges between 83-90%, contains carotene 24.9 IU/kg, p. p. m), Zinc 35 p.p. In addition, it is an important source of non-structural carbohydrates that will quickly improve animal performance, whether in maintaining body conditions or milk production; The productive parameters of Corn Hydroponic Green Forage are better when grown at 75% of the nutrient level; Forage corn is a good alternative when it comes to complementing the ruminant's diet because it provides energy that favors the stimulation of the rumen metabolism; due to the fact that the aerial part of the corn seedling stands out for having higher nutritional levels.es_ES
dc.descriptionAn alternative method of providing protein to ruminants such as cattle is through hydroponically grown corn fodder (HMF). The objective was to describe how hydroponically grown forage corn is used to feed livestock in Ecuador. The inferences made are as follows: The nutritional quality of hydroponic green corn forage provides dry matter (on a dry basis) 86.60 - 90.93%, crude protein 9.78 - 19%, crude fiber 5.40 - 25, 10%, total digestible nutrients 71.87 - 80.81%, Metabolizable Energy of 3216 kcal/kg, its digestibility ranges between 83-90%, contains carotene 24.9 IU/kg, p. p. m), Zinc 35 p.p. In addition, it is an important source of non-structural carbohydrates that will quickly improve animal performance, whether in maintaining body conditions or milk production; The productive parameters of Corn Hydroponic Green Forage are better when grown at 75% of the nutrient level; Forage corn is a good alternative when it comes to complementing the ruminant's diet because it provides energy that favors the stimulation of the rumen metabolism; due to the fact that the aerial part of the corn seedling stands out for having higher nutritional levels.es_ES
dc.description.abstractUn método alternativo para proporcionar proteínas a rumiantes como el ganado es a través de forraje de maíz (HMF) cultivado hidropónicamente. El objetivo fue describir cómo se utiliza el maíz forrajero cultivado hidropónicamente para alimentar al ganado en el Ecuador. Las inferencias hechas son las siguientes: La calidad nutricional del forraje de maíz verde hidropónico proporciona materia seca (en base seca) 86,60 - 90,93%, proteína cruda 9,78 – 19%, fibra cruda 5,40 - 25,10%, nutrientes digestibles totales 71,87 - 80,81%, Energía Metabolizable de 3216 kcal/kg, su digestibilidad oscila entre 83-90%, contiene caroteno 24,9 UI/kg, p. pág. m), Zinc 35 p.p. Además, es una fuente importante de carbohidratos no estructurales que mejorarán rápidamente el desempeño animal, ya sea en el mantenimiento de las condiciones corporales o en la producción de leche; Los parámetros productivos del Forraje Verde Hidropónico de maíz son mejor cuando se cultiva al 75% del nivel de nutrientes; el maíz forrajero es una buena alternativa a la hora de complementar la dieta del rumiante porque aporta energía que favorece la estimulación del metabolismo ruminal; por el hecho de que la parte aérea de la plántula de maíz, se destaca por tener mayores niveles nutricionales.es_ES
dc.format.extent24 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2023es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleUso de maíz forrajero hidropónico en la alimentación del ganado vacuno en ecuadores_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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