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dc.contributor.advisorOlaya Reyes, Johanna Alejandra
dc.contributor.authorLeon Franco, Genesis Odethe
dc.descriptionThis project consists of answering the research question: What is the impact of the use of social networks in catering establishments in the city of Babahoyo? The main objective is to analyze the impact of the virtual platforms used by these establishments, to determine promotional strategies, increase sales and generate competitiveness in the food and beverage sector. Through mixed research, it was possible to obtain qualitative and quantitative data that allowed knowing the perception of the owners of food and beverage establishments in the city of Babahoyo regarding the impact generated by the management of social networks for said establishments. Data that were collected through a non-probability sample for convenience through a survey of 25 study subjects, an observation sheet made to 6 establishments chosen for being crowded, and an interview with the owner of the establishment that, according to the results, It reflects better management of the different virtual platforms, which allowed us to know their perception of how social networks influence customers. Coming to the conclusion that according to the management and importance given to social networks, these can serve as a communication channel to strengthen the presence of the establishment and the impression that users have of it. Among the main impacts are the increase in customers, a greater number of sales, therefore, improvement in business profitability, market positioning, and spaces for interaction with the community. It is recommended that the owners of catering establishments keep their social network profiles updated and attractive, hire professionals to manage their social networks, present meaningful content for customers that helps build loyalty and build trust, present specific information, upload images of the products so that the customer is satisfied at the moment of truth, as well as estimating the response time because users generally monitor the networks at the same time they want to consume.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis project consists of answering the research question: What is the impact of the use of social networks in catering establishments in the city of Babahoyo? The main objective is to analyze the impact of the virtual platforms used by these establishments, to determine promotional strategies, increase sales and generate competitiveness in the food and beverage sector. Through mixed research, it was possible to obtain qualitative and quantitative data that allowed knowing the perception of the owners of food and beverage establishments in the city of Babahoyo regarding the impact generated by the management of social networks for said establishments. Data that were collected through a non-probability sample for convenience through a survey of 25 study subjects, an observation sheet made to 6 establishments chosen for being crowded, and an interview with the owner of the establishment that, according to the results, It reflects better management of the different virtual platforms, which allowed us to know their perception of how social networks influence customers. Coming to the conclusion that according to the management and importance given to social networks, these can serve as a communication channel to strengthen the presence of the establishment and the impression that users have of it. Among the main impacts are the increase in customers, a greater number of sales, therefore, improvement in business profitability, market positioning, and spaces for interaction with the community. It is recommended that the owners of catering establishments keep their social network profiles updated and attractive, hire professionals to manage their social networks, present meaningful content for customers that helps build loyalty and build trust, present specific information, upload images of the products so that the customer is satisfied at the moment of truth, as well as estimating the response time because users generally monitor the networks at the same time they want to consume.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente proyecto consiste en dar respuesta a la pregunta de investigación ¿Cuál es el impacto del uso de las redes sociales en los establecimientos de restauración en la ciudad de Babahoyo? El objetivo principal es analizar el impacto de las plataformas virtuales que utilizan estos establecimientos, para determinar estrategias de promoción, aumentar las ventas y generar competitividad en el sector de alimentos y bebidas. Mediante la investigación mixta se logró obtener datos cualitativos y cuantitativos que permitieron conocer la percepción de los propietarios de los establecimientos de alimentos y bebidas de la ciudad de Babahoyo respecto al impacto que genera el manejo de redes sociales para dichos establecimientos. Datos que fueron recopilados mediante una muestra no probabilística por conveniencia a través de una encuesta a 25 sujetos de estudio, una ficha de observación realizada a 6 establecimientos elegidos por ser concurridos, y una entrevista al propietario del establecimiento que, de acuerdo a los resultados, refleja mejor manejo de las diferentes plataformas virtuales, misma que permitió conocer su percepción sobre cómo influyen las redes sociales en los clientes. Llegando a la conclusión que de acuerdo al manejo e importancia que se las conceda a las redes sociales estas pueden servir como un canal de comunicación para fortalecer la presencia del establecimiento y la impresión que los usuarios tienen de éste. Entre los principales impactos están el incremento de clientes, mayor cantidad de ventas, por ende, mejora en la rentabilidad del negocio, posicionamiento en el mercado, y, espacios de interacción con la comunidad. Se recomienda a los propietarios de los establecimientos de restauración tener los perfiles de sus redes sociales actualizadas y atrayentes, contratar profesionales para manejo de sus redes sociales, presentar contenido significativo para los clientes que ayude a fidelizar y generar confianza, presentar información puntualizada, subir imágenes reales de los productos para que el cliente quede satisfecho al momento de la verdad, así mismo estimar el tiempo de respuesta debido a que por lo general los usuarios monitorean las redes en el mismo momento que desean realizar el consumo.es_ES
dc.format.extent75 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2023es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectMarketing digitales_ES
dc.subjectMarketing turísticoes_ES
dc.subjectRedes socialeses_ES
dc.subjectTurismo 2.0.es_ES
dc.titleImpacto de las redes sociales en los establecimientos de restauración de la ciudad de Babahoyoes_ES

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