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dc.contributor.advisorOlaya Reyes, Johanna Alejandra
dc.contributor.authorGarcia Navas, Jostyne Marlley
dc.descriptionThe purpose of this case study is to answer the question: What are the quality strategies of the inclusive tourist guidance service in the Self-sustaining Integral Farm of the UTB? The general objective is to identify quality strategies to improve the sensory tourist guide service in the Self-sustaining Integral Farm of the Technical University of Babahoyo. The research is descriptive, it was carried out through the mixed method, its sampling is for convenience, surveying 36 beneficiaries of the link project "tourism in the UTB integral farm for purposes of environmental education, sustainability and inclusivity" whose motto is "Enjoying the tourism with the eyes of the soul” an interview was also conducted with the main authors of the aforementioned project. The Ishikawa or fishbone diagram was applied to identify the shortcomings that affect the quality of the sensory tourist guidance service in the Self-sustaining Integral Farm, additionally the Pareto diagram was made to classify the problems from higher to lower frequency by means of a graph . Within the main results, the majority of users are satisfied with the service received, however there are points to improve among them with 36.1% sensory agrotourism activities should be improved, 2.8% scripts and explanations provided by the guide does not have a coherent and logical organization, 14% affirm that the guide at the time of carrying out his tour did not ask questions and was not courteous with the users, 2.8% the insufficiency of the guide when carrying out his inclusive activities and 2 .8% affirm that the guide does not respond to requests from users through the tour. It is recommended to improve the infrastructure, the aspects of the trails to be able to receive the tourist, it is recommended to the future guides of the Self-sustaining Integral Farm of the UTB to transmit reliability, to be dynamic, to make models so that users can appreciate the textures through the tact, frequently ask questions to users during the circuits, so that the sighted and blind user feel safe, resulting in a quality service, students must be tutored by professionals from the tourism branch, providing all their knowledge through practice so that they in turn guide correctly and finally it is recommended to attend to the suggested strategies for quality improvement and to carry out a satisfaction survey once the corrections have been applied to determine their effective compliance.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe purpose of this case study is to answer the question: What are the quality strategies of the inclusive tourist guidance service in the Self-sustaining Integral Farm of the UTB? The general objective is to identify quality strategies to improve the sensory tourist guide service in the Self-sustaining Integral Farm of the Technical University of Babahoyo. The research is descriptive, it was carried out through the mixed method, its sampling is for convenience, surveying 36 beneficiaries of the link project "tourism in the UTB integral farm for purposes of environmental education, sustainability and inclusivity" whose motto is "Enjoying the tourism with the eyes of the soul” an interview was also conducted with the main authors of the aforementioned project. The Ishikawa or fishbone diagram was applied to identify the shortcomings that affect the quality of the sensory tourist guidance service in the Self-sustaining Integral Farm, additionally the Pareto diagram was made to classify the problems from higher to lower frequency by means of a graph . Within the main results, the majority of users are satisfied with the service received, however there are points to improve among them with 36.1% sensory agrotourism activities should be improved, 2.8% scripts and explanations provided by the guide does not have a coherent and logical organization, 14% affirm that the guide at the time of carrying out his tour did not ask questions and was not courteous with the users, 2.8% the insufficiency of the guide when carrying out his inclusive activities and 2 .8% affirm that the guide does not respond to requests from users through the tour. It is recommended to improve the infrastructure, the aspects of the trails to be able to receive the tourist, it is recommended to the future guides of the Self-sustaining Integral Farm of the UTB to transmit reliability, to be dynamic, to make models so that users can appreciate the textures through the tact, frequently ask questions to users during the circuits, so that the sighted and blind user feel safe, resulting in a quality service, students must be tutored by professionals from the tourism branch, providing all their knowledge through practice so that they in turn guide correctly and finally it is recommended to attend to the suggested strategies for quality improvement and to carry out a satisfaction survey once the corrections have been applied to determine their effective compliance.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente estudio de caso tiene como finalidad dar respuesta a la pregunta ¿Cuáles son las estrategias de calidad del servicio de guianza turística inclusiva en la Granja Integral Autosustentable de la UTB? El objetivo general es identificar las estrategias de calidad para mejorar el servicio de guíanza turística sensorial en la Granja Integral Autosustentable de la Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo. La investigación es descriptiva, se realizó a través del método mixto, su muestreo es por conveniencia, encuestando a 36 personas beneficiarias el proyecto de vinculación “turismo en la granja integral UTB con fines de educación ambiental sostenibilidad e inclusividad” cuyo lema es “Disfrutando el turismo con los ojos del alma” también se realizó una entrevista a los autores principales del proyecto antes mencionado. Se aplicó el diagrama de Ishikawa o espina de pescado para identificar las falencias que afectan a la calidad del servicio de guianza turística sensorial en la Granja Integral Autosustentable, adicional se realizó el diagrama de Pareto para clasificar los problemas de mayor a menor frecuencia mediante un gráfico. Dentro de los principales resultados la mayoría de usuarios se encuentran satisfechos con el servicio recibido, sin embargo existen puntos que mejorar entre ellas con un 36,1% las actividades agroturísticas sensoriales deben ser mejoradas, el 2,8% los guiones y explicaciones brindadas por el guía no tienen organización coherente y lógica, el 14% afirma que el guía al momento de realizar su recorrido no realizó preguntas y no fue cortés con los usuarios, el 2,8% la insuficiencia del guía al realizar sus actividades inclusivas y el 2,8% afirma que el guía no responde a peticiones de los usuarios mediante el recorrido. Se recomienda mejorar la infraestructura, los aspectos de los senderos para poder recibir al turista, se recomienda a los futuros guías de la Granja Integral Autosustentable de la UTB transmitir confiabilidad, ser dinámico, realizar maquetas para que los usuarios puedan apreciar las texturas a través del tacto, realizar frecuentemente preguntas a los usuarios en el transcurso de los circuitos, para que el usuario vidente y no vidente sienta seguro, dando como resultado un servicio de calidad, los estudiantes deben ser tutorados por profesionales de la rama de turismo, brindando todos sus conocimientos a través de la práctica para que ellos a su vez guíen de manera correcta y por último se recomienda atender las estrategias sugeridas para la mejora de la calidad y volver a realizar una encuesta de satisfacción una vez aplicada las correcciones para determinar su efectivo cumplimiento.es_ES
dc.format.extent55 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2023es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectTurismo accesiblees_ES
dc.subjectGuianza turística sensoriales_ES
dc.subjectPersonas con discapacidad visuales_ES
dc.subjectNormativas y derechos de la discapacidad visuales_ES
dc.titleEstrategias de calidad en el servicio de guianza sensorial en la Granja Integral Autosustentable de la Universidad Técnica de Babahoyoes_ES

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