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dc.contributor.advisorVillamarín Lara, Hugo Ramiro
dc.contributor.authorCastillo Jimenez, Xiomara Estefania
dc.descriptionThis case study seeks to answer the following research question: What is the relevance of the English language in the quality of service of the Hotel Del Parque, where the general objective is to determine the relevance of the English language in the quality of service of the 'Hotel Del Parque', through which it will be known if the different national and foreign tourists are fully satisfied with the quality of service provided. The methodology used in the work established the exploratory and documentary approach, qualitative and quantitative research techniques were used since the survey technique was used with a Servqual model establishing 4 dimensions: tangible aspects, reliability, sensitivity, and security. The purpose of which is to determine the different expectations and perceptions of the client, which was applied to people who frequent the Hotel Del Parque and an observation sheet where information was collected to analyze the quality of service provided by the establishment. Once the information was collected, the main results of the survey applied in this case study were obtained, which shows that the majority of the people surveyed consider or totally agree that the establishment has an excellent quality service, however, it is important to emphasize that there is also a not so high level of dissatisfaction with the service in several areas of the Hotel.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis case study seeks to answer the following research question: What is the relevance of the English language in the quality of service of the Hotel Del Parque, where the general objective is to determine the relevance of the English language in the quality of service of the 'Hotel Del Parque', through which it will be known if the different national and foreign tourists are fully satisfied with the quality of service provided. The methodology used in the work established the exploratory and documentary approach, qualitative and quantitative research techniques were used since the survey technique was used with a Servqual model establishing 4 dimensions: tangible aspects, reliability, sensitivity, and security. The purpose of which is to determine the different expectations and perceptions of the client, which was applied to people who frequent the Hotel Del Parque and an observation sheet where information was collected to analyze the quality of service provided by the establishment. Once the information was collected, the main results of the survey applied in this case study were obtained, which shows that the majority of the people surveyed consider or totally agree that the establishment has an excellent quality service, however, it is important to emphasize that there is also a not so high level of dissatisfaction with the service in several areas of the Hotel.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente estudio de caso busca dar respuesta a la siguiente pregunta de investigación ¿Cuál es la relevancia del idioma Inglés en la calidad del servicio del Hotel Del Parque?, donde su objetivo general es determinar la relevancia del lenguaje inglés en la calidad de servicio del ‘Hotel Del Parque’, por medio de lo cual se conocerá sí los diferentes turistas nacionales y extranjeros se encuentran totalmente satisfechos con la calidad de servicio brindada. La metodología utilizada en el trabajo se estableció el enfoque exploratorio y documental, se usó técnicas de investigación cualitativa y cuantitativa dado que se utilizó la técnica encuesta con un modelo Servqual estableciendo 4 dimensiones: aspectos tangibles, fiabilidad, sensibilidad, y seguridad. Cuya finalidad es determinar las diferentes expectativas y percepciones del cliente, que en la cual fue aplicada a personas que frecuentan el Hotel Del Parque y una ficha de observación donde se recolectó información para analizar la calidad de servicio que brinda el establecimiento. Una vez recabada la información se obtuvo como principales resultados de la encuesta aplicada en el presente estudio de caso, la cual demuestra que de las personas encuestadas, la mayoría considera o está totalmente de acuerdo con que el establecimiento dispone de un excelente servicio de calidad, sin embargo, no obstante es importante recalcar que también existe un nivel no tan alto de insatisfacción del servicio en varias áreas del Hotel.es_ES
dc.format.extent34 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2023es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectServicio de calidades_ES
dc.subjectExpectativas y percepcioneses_ES
dc.subjectTuristas nacionales y extranjeroses_ES
dc.titleEnglish language and its relevance in the quality customer service in del Parque Hoteles_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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