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dc.contributor.advisorMayorga Arias, David
dc.contributor.authorLupera Parra, Jorge Andrés
dc.descriptionThe use of technology during the last decade has become vertiginous, that is to say its use is of the first necessity to be able to develop ideas and arrive at precise conclusions. In the agricultural sector has not been the exception, the use of unmanned aerial objects (drones) in this area so important for our country, has become common because of the speed of being able to obtain information, currently it is not necessary to go through the crops personally to be able to observe the different problems that may arise, studies can be carried out using state-of-the-art technology such as drones with a high-definition camera, the efficiency of these objects helps in seeding, fumigation, etc., both economically and environmentally. This work aims to publicize the latest renovations and acquisitions obtained by the Faculty of Agronomic Sciences of the Technical University of Babahoyo showing its development and growth over time. In order to develop this project, the georeferenced topographic survey was carried out with photogrammetry of the place under study showing the advances that have been made in the 220 hectares of this faculty, such as classroom blocks, banana trees, etc. Subsequently, the measures referenced were grouped through photographic shots using the drone to form a mosaic photo that is an image made up of rectangular shots. The conclusions of this project determine the progress that the Faculty of Agronomic Sciences has had in its last years thanks to the management of its different managers ensuring the development of each of its students so that their experience within this field of studies is becoming more and more pleasant.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe use of technology during the last decade has become vertiginous, that is to say its use is of the first necessity to be able to develop ideas and arrive at precise conclusions. In the agricultural sector has not been the exception, the use of unmanned aerial objects (drones) in this area so important for our country, has become common because of the speed of being able to obtain information, currently it is not necessary to go through the crops personally to be able to observe the different problems that may arise, studies can be carried out using state-of-the-art technology such as drones with a high-definition camera, the efficiency of these objects helps in seeding, fumigation, etc., both economically and environmentally. This work aims to publicize the latest renovations and acquisitions obtained by the Faculty of Agronomic Sciences of the Technical University of Babahoyo showing its development and growth over time. In order to develop this project, the georeferenced topographic survey was carried out with photogrammetry of the place under study showing the advances that have been made in the 220 hectares of this faculty, such as classroom blocks, banana trees, etc. Subsequently, the measures referenced were grouped through photographic shots using the drone to form a mosaic photo that is an image made up of rectangular shots. The conclusions of this project determine the progress that the Faculty of Agronomic Sciences has had in its last years thanks to the management of its different managers ensuring the development of each of its students so that their experience within this field of studies is becoming more and more pleasant.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl uso de la tecnología durante la última década se ha vuelto vertiginoso, es decir su uso es de primera necesidad para poder desarrollar ideas y llegar a conclusiones precisas. En el sector agronómico no ha sido la excepción, el uso de objetos aéreos no tripulados (Drones) en esta área tan importante para nuestro país, se ha vuelto de uso común debido a la rapidez de poder obtener información, en la actualidad no es necesario recorrer los cultivos personalmente para poder observar los diferentes problemas que pueda presentarse, se pueden realizar estudios aplicando tecnología de última generación tales como drones con una cámara de alta definición, la eficiencia de estos objetos ayuda en procesos de siembra, fumigación, etc., tanto económicamente como ambientalmente. Este trabajo pretende dar a conocer las ultimas renovaciones y adquisiciones que ha obtenido la Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias de la Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo mostrando su desarrollo y crecimiento a través del tiempo. Con la finalidad de desarrollar este presente proyecto se procedió a realizar el levantamiento topográfico georreferenciado con fotogrametría del lugar objeto de estudio mostrando los avances que se han hecho en las 242 hectáreas de esta facultad, tales como bloques de aulas, bananeras, etc. Posteriormente se procedió a la agrupación de las medidas referenciadas a través de tomas fotográficas mediante el dron para así formar una foto mosaico que es una imagen formada por tomas rectangulares. Las conclusiones de este proyecto determinan el avance que ha tenido la Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias en sus últimos años gracias a la gestión de sus diferentes encargados velando por el desarrollo de cada uno de sus estudiantes para que su experiencia dentro de este campo de estudios sea cada vez más placentera.es_ES
dc.format.extent21 p.es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleLevantamiento Topográfico Georreferenciado con Fotogrametríaes_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
Excepto si se señala otra cosa, la licencia del ítem se describe como Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador