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dc.contributor.advisorDíaz Chong, Enrique de Jesús
dc.contributor.authorSalazar Chichande, Iliana Denisse
dc.contributor.authorSanchez Amaiquema, Daniela Izamar
dc.descriptionGamification at the initial level includes a fundamental role in the acquisition of knowledge, skills, abilities and techniques, as well as developing better concentration, memory and proper behavior in boys and girls, working hard in the process of socialization and application of the games as a positive and entertaining tool that will allow children to learn while playing. Language is innate in human beings, but it is at these early ages where more emphasis should be placed on its development since children are in a malleable stage, that is, this is the right time to work on the expression of language. , which must be perfected little by little since it is known that a good development of the language will allow students in the future not to have any type of inconvenience throughout their academic and professional life. Gamification and language go hand in hand since there is no better way for students to learn than with the work game modality, where toddlers will not only play but also learn the guidelines and relevant topics that should be cultivated at their age.es_ES
dc.descriptionGamification at the initial level includes a fundamental role in the acquisition of knowledge, skills, abilities and techniques, as well as developing better concentration, memory and proper behavior in boys and girls, working hard in the process of socialization and application of the games as a positive and entertaining tool that will allow children to learn while playing. Language is innate in human beings, but it is at these early ages where more emphasis should be placed on its development since children are in a malleable stage, that is, this is the right time to work on the expression of language. , which must be perfected little by little since it is known that a good development of the language will allow students in the future not to have any type of inconvenience throughout their academic and professional life. Gamification and language go hand in hand since there is no better way for students to learn than with the work game modality, where toddlers will not only play but also learn the guidelines and relevant topics that should be cultivated at their age.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa gamificación en el nivel inicial comprende un papel fundamental en la adquisición de conocimientos, destrezas, habilidades y técnicas además de desarrollar en los niños y niñas una mejor concentración, memoria y un adecuado comportamiento, trabajando arduamente en el proceso de socialización y aplicación de los juegos como una herramienta positiva y entretenida que le permitirán a los niños y niñas aprender jugando. El lenguaje es innato en el ser humano, pero es a estas edades tempranas donde más se debe poner énfasis en el desarrollo del mismo ya que los niños están en una etapa moldeable es decir que es aquí el momento adecuado para trabajar en la expresión del lenguaje, la cual debe irse perfeccionando poco a poco ya que es de conocimiento que un buen desenvolvimiento del lenguaje permitirá que los estudiantes en un futuro no tengan ningún tipo de inconveniente a lo largo de su vida académica y profesional. La gamificación y el lenguaje van tomados de la mano ya que no hay mejor manera para que los estudiantes aprendan que con la modalidad del juego trabajo, donde los párvulos no solo jugaran sino también aprenderán las pautas y temas de relevancia que deben cultivarse a su edad.es_ES
dc.format.extent119 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2022es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectGamificación educativaes_ES
dc.subjectTécnicas de gamificaciónes_ES
dc.subjectDesarrollo del lenguajees_ES
dc.subjectExpresión del lenguajees_ES
dc.titleGamificación como estrategia para la expresión del lenguaje de los niños y niñas del sub nivel inicial 2 de la Unidad Educativa Cristóbal Colón, del cantón Babahoyoes_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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