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dc.contributor.advisorMora Litardo, Elizabeth
dc.contributor.authorBohorquez Herrera, Gloria Stefania
dc.descriptionThe present case of study called "Analysis of tourist activities and their impact on the economic development of the Urdaneta Canton", is based on the low promotion of activities which causes disinterest in the population and in turn affects tourism generating low economic income. It is important to mention that tourism offers development opportunities in the locality, mainly benefiting the population. To carry out the research different methods were used which are detailed in the Methodology applied, work was done with the techniques of the survey and the interview for data collection, important information was obtained for this case study. Finally, it is of great importance to mention the different details that arose in the final part of the research such as the development of the case, which is characterized by the detected situations, the solutions raised, the conclusions and the recommendations.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe present case of study called "Analysis of tourist activities and their impact on the economic development of the Urdaneta Canton", is based on the low promotion of activities which causes disinterest in the population and in turn affects tourism generating low economic income. It is important to mention that tourism offers development opportunities in the locality, mainly benefiting the population. To carry out the research different methods were used which are detailed in the Methodology applied, work was done with the techniques of the survey and the interview for data collection, important information was obtained for this case study. Finally, it is of great importance to mention the different details that arose in the final part of the research such as the development of the case, which is characterized by the detected situations, the solutions raised, the conclusions and the recommendations.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente caso de estudio denominado “Análisis de las actividades turísticas y su impacto en el desarrollo economico del Cantón Urdaneta”, está fundamentado en la escasa promoción de las actividades lo que provoca desinterés en la población y a su vez afecta al turismo generando bajos ingresos económicos. Es importante, mencionar qué el turismo ofrece oportunidades de desarrollo en la localidad, beneficiando principalmente a la población. Para llevar a cabo la investigación se utilizaron distintos métodos los cuales están detallados en la Metodología aplicada, se trabajó con las técnicas de la encuesta y la entrevista para la recolección datos, con lo que se obtuvo información importante para el presente estudio de caso. Para finalizar, es de gran importancia mencionar los distintos detalles que surgieron en la parte final de la investigación como es el desarrollo del caso, el cual está caracterizado por las situaciones detectadas, las soluciones planteadas, las conclusiones y las recomendaciones.es_ES
dc.format.extent31 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2020es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectActividades turísticases_ES
dc.subjectDesarrollo económicoes_ES
dc.titleLas actividades turísticas y su impacto en el desarrollo económico del cantón Urdanetaes_ES

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