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dc.contributor.advisorLeón Paredes, Joffre
dc.contributor.authorMedina Olea, Roosvelt Alfonso
dc.descriptionBananas are one of the main crops in Ecuador, generating jobs, as well as foreign exchange for the country. The attack or presence of a pest would cause a decrease in the quality and yield of the crop. Nematodes are one of the main pests of the banana crop, Radopholus similis, causing radical deterioration, which leads to low crop yield, and also low quality. The nematode Radopholus similis attacks the roots of banana cultivation plants, causing losses in production. Among the effects caused by this nematode, is the weakening of the plant and difficulty in absorbing nutrients or water, preventing the plant from doing it normally. Among the control measures that are taken to control this nematode are: the chemical control that must be carried out in cycles, about three applications per year, the biological control based on the Trichoderma spp fungus, which surrounds the nematode in its mycelium by injecting antibiotic metabolites and enzymes, the cultural control that is carried out on the plants that are going to be sown, performing a plant surgery (such as eliminating injured parts) and previous disinfection by immersing them in chemical treatments for 15 minutes.es_ES
dc.descriptionBananas are one of the main crops in Ecuador, generating jobs, as well as foreign exchange for the country. The attack or presence of a pest would cause a decrease in the quality and yield of the crop. Nematodes are one of the main pests of the banana crop, Radopholus similis, causing radical deterioration, which leads to low crop yield, and also low quality. The nematode Radopholus similis attacks the roots of banana cultivation plants, causing losses in production. Among the effects caused by this nematode, is the weakening of the plant and difficulty in absorbing nutrients or water, preventing the plant from doing it normally. Among the control measures that are taken to control this nematode are: the chemical control that must be carried out in cycles, about three applications per year, the biological control based on the Trichoderma spp fungus, which surrounds the nematode in its mycelium by injecting antibiotic metabolites and enzymes, the cultural control that is carried out on the plants that are going to be sown, performing a plant surgery (such as eliminating injured parts) and previous disinfection by immersing them in chemical treatments for 15 minutes.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl banano es uno de los principales cultivos de Ecuador, generando empleos, así como divisas para el país. El ataque o presencia de una plaga provocaría la disminución en calidad y rendimiento del cultivo. Los nematodos son una de las principales plagas del cultivo de banano, Radopholus similis causando el deterioro radical, lo que conlleva al bajo rendimiento del cultivo, y también baja su calidad. El nematodo Radopholus similis, ataca a las raíces de las plantas del cultivo de banano, provocando pérdidas en la producción. Entre los efectos ocasionados por este nematodo, es el debilitamiento de la planta y dificultad al momento de absorber nutrientes o agua impidiendo que la planta lo pueda realizar de manera normal. Entre las medidas de control que se toman para poder controlar este nematodo están: el control químico que se lo debe de realizar por ciclos, unas tres aplicaciones por año, el control biológico a base del hongo Trichoderma spp, el cual envuelve al nematodo en su micelio inyectándole metabolitos antibióticos y enzimas, el control cultural que se lo realiza a las plantas que se van a sembrar, realizándole una cirugía vegetal (como es eliminando partes lesionadas) y previa desinfección sumergiéndolas en tratamientos químicos por 15 minutos.es_ES
dc.format.extent19 p.es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleManejo integrado del nematodo (Radopholus similis) en el cultivo de banano (Musa AAA)”es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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