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dc.contributor.advisorJiménez Bonilla, Dennis
dc.contributor.authorValencia Tello, Margarita Azucena
dc.descriptionThe present case study is carried out with the purpose of verifying the effect of a psychological intervention for behavioral modification, the management of aggressive behaviors in an adolescent of the Educational Unit, "Eugenio Espejo" of the canton Babahoyo province of Los Ríos, with a duration of three months and the purpose of providing the teaching staff with viable alternatives that allow them to effectively conduct control of the aggressive behaviors of adolescents, which will benefit their personal, family and academic integral training. For the study of this case, two data collection techniques were used; direct observation to appreciate how the subject behaves in their school environment, to record what type of aggression they commit and how often; subsequently two sessions were conducted to investigate further the problem that the adolescent presents and thus be able to establish causes, diagnosis and treatment. Based on all the information obtained, an intervention plan was generated which consists of 10 sessions of cognitive behavioral therapy to attack the situations that generate the patient's various negative thoughts, to eradicate aggressive behaviors and generate a reintegration into the social environment in an optimal way.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe present case study is carried out with the purpose of verifying the effect of a psychological intervention for behavioral modification, the management of aggressive behaviors in an adolescent of the Educational Unit, "Eugenio Espejo" of the canton Babahoyo province of Los Ríos, with a duration of three months and the purpose of providing the teaching staff with viable alternatives that allow them to effectively conduct control of the aggressive behaviors of adolescents, which will benefit their personal, family and academic integral training. For the study of this case, two data collection techniques were used; direct observation to appreciate how the subject behaves in their school environment, to record what type of aggression they commit and how often; subsequently two sessions were conducted to investigate further the problem that the adolescent presents and thus be able to establish causes, diagnosis and treatment. Based on all the information obtained, an intervention plan was generated which consists of 10 sessions of cognitive behavioral therapy to attack the situations that generate the patient's various negative thoughts, to eradicate aggressive behaviors and generate a reintegration into the social environment in an optimal way.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente estudio de caso está realizado con la finalidad de comprobar el efecto de una intervención psicológica para la modificación conductual el manejo de conductas agresivas en un adolescente de la Unidad Educativa ,“Eugenio Espejo ” del cantón Babahoyo provincia de los Ríos , con una duración de tres meses y la finalidad de brindar al personal de docencia alternativas viables que le permitan conducir de manera efectiva el control de las conductas agresivas de los adolescentes , lo cual redundará en beneficio de su formación integral personal , familiar y académica. Para el estudio del presente caso se utilizaron dos técnicas de recolección de datos; las observación directa para poder apreciar cómo se comporta el sujeto en su entorno escolar, para registrar que tipo de agresión que comete y con qué frecuencia; y posteriormente se realizaron dos sesiones para indagar más a fondo sobre el problema que el adolescente presenta y así poder establecer causas, diagnóstico y tratamiento. En base a toda la información obtenida se generó un plan de intervención el cual consta de 10 sesiones de terapia cognitivo conductual para atacar de raíz las situaciones que generan los diversos pensamientos negativos del paciente, para erradicar las conductas agresivas y generar una reintegración al entorno social de una óptima manera.es_ES
dc.format.extent33 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB, 2020es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectDisruptivo & desarrollo académicoes_ES
dc.titleAgresividad y su incidencia en el proceso de aprendizaje de un estudiantees_ES

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