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dc.contributor.advisorDicado Albán, Mariana Angelita
dc.contributor.authorSimbaña Rizzo, John Alejandro
dc.descriptionThis research Project is aimed at strengthening and determining the importance that the population poses about attractions of the Yaguachi canton where religious, ecological, historical and agrotourist tourism can be developed; where they are used in a sustainable way and disseminated through a tourism marketing plan. It is considered of vital importance to carry out an analysis of the populación’s criteria, to contribute to the tourist development of the Yaguachi canton, improving tourist services, tourist guide establishments, among others, higlighting a benefit for the community. In addition, develop a marketing that frequently promotes outside and within the locality the most important tourist places, and simultaneously the least common. Methods, techniques and instruments were used in order to observe facts and events through surveys and interviews to gather information on the Diagnosis of Tourist Attractiveness of Canton Yaguachi according to the Perception of its Inhabitants, where data was acquired to carry out the tabulation of them and express them in tables and statistical graphs to solve the problema, it was obtained as a conclusión to pormote the development of a tourism product promoting it nationally and internationally. In addition to reforming security measures, providing services in gastronomic, cultural, natural and recreational activities, boosting tourism in Yaguachi.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis research Project is aimed at strengthening and determining the importance that the population poses about attractions of the Yaguachi canton where religious, ecological, historical and agrotourist tourism can be developed; where they are used in a sustainable way and disseminated through a tourism marketing plan. It is considered of vital importance to carry out an analysis of the populación’s criteria, to contribute to the tourist development of the Yaguachi canton, improving tourist services, tourist guide establishments, among others, higlighting a benefit for the community. In addition, develop a marketing that frequently promotes outside and within the locality the most important tourist places, and simultaneously the least common. Methods, techniques and instruments were used in order to observe facts and events through surveys and interviews to gather information on the Diagnosis of Tourist Attractiveness of Canton Yaguachi according to the Perception of its Inhabitants, where data was acquired to carry out the tabulation of them and express them in tables and statistical graphs to solve the problema, it was obtained as a conclusión to pormote the development of a tourism product promoting it nationally and internationally. In addition to reforming security measures, providing services in gastronomic, cultural, natural and recreational activities, boosting tourism in Yaguachi.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente proyecto de investigación va orientado a fortalecer y determinar la importancia que plantea la población acerca de los atractivos turísticos del cantón Yaguachi en donde pueda desarrollarse un turismo religioso, ecológico, histórico y agroturístico; donde sean aprovechados de una manera sustentable y difundida mediante un plan de marketing turístico. Se considera de vital importancia realizar un análisis del criterio de la población, para contribuir al desarrollo Turístico del Cantón Yaguachi, mejorando los servicios turísticos, establecimientos de guías turísticas, entre otros, destacando un beneficio para la comunidad. Además, desarrollar un marketing que frecuentemente promocione fuera y dentro de la localidad los lugares turísticos más importantes, y simultáneamente los menos comunes. Se utilizaron métodos, técnicas e instrumentos con el objetivo de observar hechos y acontecimientos a través de las encuestas y las entrevistas para recopilar información sobre el Diagnostico de la Atractividad Turística del Cantón Yaguachi según la Percepción de sus Habitantes, en donde se adquirió datos para realizar la tabulación de los mismos y expresarlos en cuadros y gráficos estadísticos para dar solución al problema planteado, en el mismo se obtuvo como conclusión impulsar el desarrollo de un producto turístico promocionándolo de manera nacional e internacional, además de reformar medidas de seguridad, prestación de servicios en ámbitos gastronómicos, culturales, naturales y actividades recreativas, potenciando el turismo en Yaguachi.es_ES
dc.format.extent26 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB, 2020es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectAtractividad turísticaes_ES
dc.subjectPercepción de los habitanteses_ES
dc.subjectPlan de marketinges_ES
dc.subjectRecurso turísticoes_ES
dc.titleDiagnóstico de la atractividad turística del Cantón Yaguachi según la percepción de sus habitanteses_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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