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dc.contributor.advisorMSc. Olaya Reyes Johanna
dc.contributor.authorFRANCO RUIZ MAYBE SILVINA
dc.descriptionThe province of Los Ríos, throughout its history, has been characterized by its montuvia culture, this character being of humble origins, hardworking, and dedicated to agricultural and livestock activities, among others, with which to support their families, the present The work is titled, Traditional agricultural practices in montuvia communities of the province of Los Ríos, which aims to identify traditional agricultural practices in the montuvia communities of the province of Los Ríos, including detailed identification to analyze their potential to promote the local tourism development, for which quantitative descriptive research has been carried out, this allowed us to describe the process carried out, recognizing the key points within the problem under study, and through statistical analysis to identify the factors involved in the problem ; Field work was carried out, where through interviews with community leaders and surveys carried out with a number of 80 people from the Montuvia community, it was possible to know their criteria based on the topic under study.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe province of Los Ríos, throughout its history, has been characterized by its montuvia culture, this character being of humble origins, hardworking, and dedicated to agricultural and livestock activities, among others, with which to support their families, the present The work is titled, Traditional agricultural practices in montuvia communities of the province of Los Ríos, which aims to identify traditional agricultural practices in the montuvia communities of the province of Los Ríos, including detailed identification to analyze their potential to promote the local tourism development, for which quantitative descriptive research has been carried out, this allowed us to describe the process carried out, recognizing the key points within the problem under study, and through statistical analysis to identify the factors involved in the problem ; Field work was carried out, where through interviews with community leaders and surveys carried out with a number of 80 people from the Montuvia community, it was possible to know their criteria based on the topic under study.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa provincia de Los Ríos, a través de su historia se ha caracterizado por su cultura montuvia, siendo este personaje, de origen humilde, trabajador, y dedicado a actividades agrícolas, pecuarias, entre otras, con las cuales mantener a sus familias, el presente trabajo se titula, Prácticas agrícolas tradicionales en comunidades montuvias de la provincia de los Ríos, el cual tiene como objetivo, Identificar las prácticas agrícolas tradicionales en las comunidades montuvias de la provincia de Los Ríos incluyendo la identificación a detalle para analizar su potencial para impulsar el desarrollo turístico local, para lo cual se ha llevado a investigación cuantitativa de tipo descriptivo, esto permitió describir el proceso efectuado, reconociendo los puntos claves dentro del problema objeto de estudio, y por medio del análisis estadístico poder identificar los factores que intervienen en el problema; se procedió a realizar un trabajo de campo, donde por medio de entrevistas a lideres comunitarios y encuestas realizadas a un numero de 80 personas de la comunidad montuvia, se logró conocer el criterio de ellos con base en el tema objeto de estudio.es_ES
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.titlePrácticas agrícolas tradicionales en comunidades montuvias de la provincia de Los Ríoses_ES

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