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dc.contributor.advisorCASTRO MOLINA NELLY
dc.contributor.authorRENDÓN RUIZ EVELYN LISBETH
dc.descriptionThe Natura Futura group faced significant challenges due to the lack of tourism promotion and competition from more consolidated destinations in Ecuador, affecting the visibility of its sustainable architectural designs. The objective of the research was to analyze how the Natura Futura group influences the development of tourism of architectural interest in the Province of Los Ríos in order to generate tourism promotion actions. A mixed approach was used combining qualitative and quantitative methods to identify initiatives and programs, tourist and expert perceptions. Techniques included documentary review, interviews, surveys and direct observation. The population was defined by non-probabilistic convenience sampling; establishing as a representative sample one hundred and one individuals among students and specialists in architecture and a key actor for the application of the interview. The results showed that there is a high level of interest in architectural tourism and the designs made by Natura Futura. The findings show that by promoting this type of tourism, the local development of the province is enhanced.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe Natura Futura group faced significant challenges due to the lack of tourism promotion and competition from more consolidated destinations in Ecuador, affecting the visibility of its sustainable architectural designs. The objective of the research was to analyze how the Natura Futura group influences the development of tourism of architectural interest in the Province of Los Ríos in order to generate tourism promotion actions. A mixed approach was used combining qualitative and quantitative methods to identify initiatives and programs, tourist and expert perceptions. Techniques included documentary review, interviews, surveys and direct observation. The population was defined by non-probabilistic convenience sampling; establishing as a representative sample one hundred and one individuals among students and specialists in architecture and a key actor for the application of the interview. The results showed that there is a high level of interest in architectural tourism and the designs made by Natura Futura. The findings show that by promoting this type of tourism, the local development of the province is enhanced.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl grupo Natura Futura enfrenta desafíos significativos debido a la escasa de promoción turística y competencia de destinos más consolidados en Ecuador, afectando la visibilidad de sus diseños arquitectónicos sostenibles. La investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar cómo influye el grupo Natura Futura en el desarrollo del turismo de interés arquitectónico en la Provincia de Los Ríos para generar acciones de promoción turística. Se utilizó un enfoque mixto combinando métodos cualitativos y cuantitativos para identificar iniciativas y programas, percepción de turistas y expertos. Las técnicas incluyeron revisión documental, entrevistas, encuestas y observación directa. La población se definió mediante el muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia; estableciendo como muestra representativa a ciento un individuo entre estudiantes y especialistas en arquitectura y un actor clave para la aplicación de entrevista. Los resultados evidenciaron que existe un interés alto en el turismo de arquitectura y los diseños realizados por Natura Futura. Los hallazgos muestran que al promover este tipo de turismo se potencia el desarrollo local de la Provincia.es_ES
dc.format.extent80 p.es_ES
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectNatura Futuraes_ES
dc.subjectResponsabilidad Sociales_ES
dc.subject.otherPlanificación y gestión turística sosteniblees_ES
dc.titleGrupo Natura Futura y su influencia en el turismo arquitectónico de la Provincia de Loses_ES

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