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dc.contributor.advisorZambrano Oyague, Saúl Ricardo
dc.contributor.authorMuñoz Zambrano, Elvis Dennys
dc.descriptionThe 6-year-old patient presented a decrease in distance visual acuity, with photophobia, tearing a difficulty focusing on class. After the physical examination, a diagnosis of compound myopic astigmatism was established. The optometric intervention applied focused on providing the patient with a solution to improve her visual. The use of conventional lenses was preferred to treat her refractive defect, and controls were established to evaluate any change in the dioptric power or its meridional axes and to make the necessary adjustment in the adopted treatment. With the use of her optical device, there was a considerable improvement in the patient’s visual acuity and her other symptoms were significantly reduced. Therefore, the treatment not only improved her vision, but also alleviated her discomfort.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe 6-year-old patient presented a decrease in distance visual acuity, with photophobia, tearing a difficulty focusing on class. After the physical examination, a diagnosis of compound myopic astigmatism was established. The optometric intervention applied focused on providing the patient with a solution to improve her visual. The use of conventional lenses was preferred to treat her refractive defect, and controls were established to evaluate any change in the dioptric power or its meridional axes and to make the necessary adjustment in the adopted treatment. With the use of her optical device, there was a considerable improvement in the patient’s visual acuity and her other symptoms were significantly reduced. Therefore, the treatment not only improved her vision, but also alleviated her discomfort.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa paciente de 6 años de edad presentaba una disminución de la agudeza visual de lejos, con fotofobia, lagrimeo y dificultad para enfocarse en clase. Luego de realizar el examen físico, se pudo establecer un diagnóstico de astigmatismo miópico compuesto. La intervención optométrica aplicada se enfocó en proveer a la paciente una solución para mejorar su agudeza visual. Se prefirió el uso de lentes convencionales para tratar su defecto refractivo, además se establecieron controles para evaluar cualquier cambión en el poder dióptrico o sus ejes meridionales y realizar ajustes necesarios en el tratamiento adoptado. Con el uso de su dispositivo óptico, se contempló una mejora considerable en la agudeza visual de la paciente y se redujeron notablemente sus demás sintomatologías. Por lo cual el tratamiento no solo mejoro su visión, si no que aliviaron sus molestias.es_ES
dc.format.extent35 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectAstigmatismo Miópico compuestoes_ES
dc.subjectMejora en agudeza visuales_ES
dc.subjectTratamiento ajustadoes_ES
dc.titleIntervención optométrica en paciente femenino de 6 años de edad con astigmatismo miópico compuesto.es_ES

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