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dc.contributor.advisorOvaco Rodríguez, Alba Cecilia
dc.contributor.authorColcha Sánchez, Melannie Britney
dc.descriptionThe present clinical case study is applied to a 24-year-old female patient with 25 weeks of gestation who comes to the emergency area with a clinical picture of ±12 hours of evolution characterized by pelvic pain and a body temperature of 38º, accompanied by pain. lumbar, dysuria, frequency, urinary urgency, chyluria and foul odor when urinating. Taking vital signs shows blood pressure 125/80 mmHg, heart rate 110lxmin, respiration 22rxmin, temperature 38º C and oxygen saturation 98% with a breast score of 6 points. A patent peripheral line #18 was canalized and pharmacological treatment was administered, according to medical prescription. Through a thorough physical assessment and functional patterns of Marjory Gordon, the dysfunctional patterns that compromised the health of the pregnant woman were identified and which were immediately treated through the Nursing Care Process. Urinalysis and urine culture were also performed. As well as a complete blood count and pelvic-renal ultrasound, to determine the type of infection and its triggering factor. Patient remains hospitalized for greater control and monitoring of the maternal-fetal.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe present clinical case study is applied to a 24-year-old female patient with 25 weeks of gestation who comes to the emergency area with a clinical picture of ±12 hours of evolution characterized by pelvic pain and a body temperature of 38º, accompanied by pain. lumbar, dysuria, frequency, urinary urgency, chyluria and foul odor when urinating. Taking vital signs shows blood pressure 125/80 mmHg, heart rate 110lxmin, respiration 22rxmin, temperature 38º C and oxygen saturation 98% with a breast score of 6 points. A patent peripheral line #18 was canalized and pharmacological treatment was administered, according to medical prescription. Through a thorough physical assessment and functional patterns of Marjory Gordon, the dysfunctional patterns that compromised the health of the pregnant woman were identified and which were immediately treated through the Nursing Care Process. Urinalysis and urine culture were also performed. As well as a complete blood count and pelvic-renal ultrasound, to determine the type of infection and its triggering factor. Patient remains hospitalized for greater control and monitoring of the maternal-fetal.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente estudio de caso clínico está aplicado en paciente femenino de 24 años de edad con 25 semanas de gestación que acude por el área de emergencia por presentar cuadro clínico de ±12 horas de evolución caracterizado dolor pélvico y temperatura corporal de 38º, acompañado de dolor lumbar, disuria, polaquiuria, tenesmo vesical, quiluria y olor fétido al miccionar. A la toma de signos vitales se evidencia presión arterial 125/80 mmHg, frecuencia cardiaca 110lxmin, respiración 22rxmin, temperatura 38º C y saturación de oxigeno 98% con un Score mama de 6 puntos. Se realiza canalización de vía periférica permeable #18 y se administra tratamiento farmacológico, según prescripción médica. Por medio de una minuciosa valoración física y por patrones funcionales de Marjory Gordon se lograron identificar los patrones disfuncionales que comprometían la salud de la gestante y los cuales fueron tratados de inmediato a través del Proceso de Atención en Enfermería. Tambien se realizaron exámenes de orina y urocultivo. Al igual que un hemograma completo y ecografía pélvica – renal, para determinar el tipo de infección y su factor desencadenante. Paciente queda hospitalizada para un mayor control y seguimiento materno – fetal.es_ES
dc.format.extent41 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectProceso de Atención en Enfermería - PAEes_ES
dc.titleProceso atención de enfermería en gestante de 25 semanas con diagnóstico de infección de vías urinarias.es_ES

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