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dc.contributor.advisorGómez Villalva, Juan Carlos
dc.contributor.authorLitardo Vera, Emely Maylin
dc.descriptionThe present study was based on the importance of knowing the prevalence of Transmissible Venereal Tumor (TVT) in the canine population attending for consultation at the DR. JEFF Veterinary Center located in the Ventanas canton, Province of Los Ríos, which contributed to improve prevention and control strategies. For this purpose, the objectives were to identify the prevalence of TVT by cytological examination and the risk factors associated with TVT, as well as to propose recommendations for education on sterilization and control of the canine population. The sample size was 50 canines presenting symptoms related to TVT, samples were taken by imprinting with slides from the affected area of the canines, and subsequently processed in the clinical veterinary laboratory VETERLAB, the methodology used was the non-parametric statistical design of Chi-square, and the methods used were inductive - deductive, experimental - descriptive. Consequently, a 30% prevalence of TVT was found, being more common in males (67%), in Golden breed canines (33.33%) and in adult dogs (53.33%). In addition, the types of TVT identified were lymphocytic (46.67%), mixed (40%) and plasmacytic (13.33%). The results obtained highlight the need to implement community awareness and education programs on animal health, as well as the importance of sterilization to reduce the incidence of TVT. This work not only provides valuable information on the prevalence of TVT in the canton, but also establishes a precedent for future research in the area of veterinary medicine.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe present study was based on the importance of knowing the prevalence of Transmissible Venereal Tumor (TVT) in the canine population attending for consultation at the DR. JEFF Veterinary Center located in the Ventanas canton, Province of Los Ríos, which contributed to improve prevention and control strategies. For this purpose, the objectives were to identify the prevalence of TVT by cytological examination and the risk factors associated with TVT, as well as to propose recommendations for education on sterilization and control of the canine population. The sample size was 50 canines presenting symptoms related to TVT, samples were taken by imprinting with slides from the affected area of the canines, and subsequently processed in the clinical veterinary laboratory VETERLAB, the methodology used was the non-parametric statistical design of Chi-square, and the methods used were inductive - deductive, experimental - descriptive. Consequently, a 30% prevalence of TVT was found, being more common in males (67%), in Golden breed canines (33.33%) and in adult dogs (53.33%). In addition, the types of TVT identified were lymphocytic (46.67%), mixed (40%) and plasmacytic (13.33%). The results obtained highlight the need to implement community awareness and education programs on animal health, as well as the importance of sterilization to reduce the incidence of TVT. This work not only provides valuable information on the prevalence of TVT in the canton, but also establishes a precedent for future research in the area of veterinary medicine.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente estudio radicó en la importancia de conocer la prevalencia Tumor Venéreo Transmisible (TVT) en la población canina que asisten a consulta en el Centro Veterinario DR. JEFF ubicado en el cantón Ventanas, Provincia de Los Ríos, lo que contribuyó a mejorar las estrategias de prevención y control. Para esto, se plantearon objetivos, como identificar la prevalencia de TVT mediante examen citológicos y los factores de riesgo asociados al TVT, así como proponer recomendaciones para la educación sobre la esterilización y el control de la población canina. El tamaño de la muestra fue de 50 caninos que presentaban síntomas relacionados con TVT, se tomaron muestras por impronta con portaobjetos de la zona afectada de los caninos, y posteriormente se procesaron en el laboratorio clínico veterinario VETERLAB, la metodología utilizada fue el diseño estadístico no paramétrico de Chi cuadrado, y los métodos empleados fueron inductivos - deductivos, experimental – descriptivo. Por consiguiente, se encontró una prevalencia del 30% de TVT, siendo más común en machos (67%), en caninos de raza Golden (33,33 %) y en perros adultos (53,33%). Además, los tipos de TVT identificados fueron linfocítico (46,67%), mixto (40%) y plasmocítico (13,33%). Los resultados obtenidos resaltan la necesidad de implementar programas de concienciación y educación en la comunidad sobre la salud animal, así como la importancia de la esterilización para reducir la prevalencia de TVT. Este trabajo no solo aporta información valiosa sobre la prevalencia de TVT en el cantón, sino que también establece un precedente para futuras investigaciones en el área de la medicina veterinariaes_ES
dc.format.extent54 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectSalud animales_ES
dc.titleDeterminación de la prevalencia de Tumor Venéreo Transmisible (TVT) en perros que llegan con sintomatología en el Centro Veterinario Dr. Jeff del cantón Ventanases_ES

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