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dc.contributor.advisorMalta García, Yesenia Ivonne
dc.contributor.authorMartínez Silva, Karina Elizabeth
dc.descriptionThe present experimental research was carried out with the purpose of identifying Stramineus menacanthus in hens raised in different families of the Pimocha Parish of Babahoyo, where the macroscopic analysis of 100 birds was carried out, evaluating each one of them according to the parameters indicated such as age, breed and origin. Taking into account that these families do not have an adequate sanitary control such as a vaccination, deworming and vitaminization schedule. Once this research was developed, the following results were obtained: In the Creole breed, which was what was analyzed, 0% of positive cases and 100% of negative cases were obtained, as well as variable age, where hens of several weeks of age were found, with 0% positive in the different ages and 20% in hens from 1 to 3 weeks, 37% from 4 to 6 weeks and 43% in hens from 7 to 12 weeks of age, resulting in 100% negative in the macroscopic analysis of the same, Similarly for the origin, 0% of positive cases and 19% (19 hens) came from La Carmela sector, 11% (11 hens) from La Margarita, 10% (10 hens) from El Desquite sector, 10% (10 hens) from La Reforma, 10% (10 hens) from Rosa Maria, 10% (10 hens) from La Tranca sector, 13% (13 hens) from Angela sector, 17% (17 hens) from El Porvenir, showing 100% of the cases negative. These results offer relevant information for the management and control of these parasites within the hen raising industry at the family level, contributing to the improvement of animal health and in turn to productive efficiency, which will help the economy of the families. There were 100% negative cases in all the animals sampled.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe present experimental research was carried out with the purpose of identifying Stramineus menacanthus in hens raised in different families of the Pimocha Parish of Babahoyo, where the macroscopic analysis of 100 birds was carried out, evaluating each one of them according to the parameters indicated such as age, breed and origin. Taking into account that these families do not have an adequate sanitary control such as a vaccination, deworming and vitaminization schedule. Once this research was developed, the following results were obtained: In the Creole breed, which was what was analyzed, 0% of positive cases and 100% of negative cases were obtained, as well as variable age, where hens of several weeks of age were found, with 0% positive in the different ages and 20% in hens from 1 to 3 weeks, 37% from 4 to 6 weeks and 43% in hens from 7 to 12 weeks of age, resulting in 100% negative in the macroscopic analysis of the same, Similarly for the origin, 0% of positive cases and 19% (19 hens) came from La Carmela sector, 11% (11 hens) from La Margarita, 10% (10 hens) from El Desquite sector, 10% (10 hens) from La Reforma, 10% (10 hens) from Rosa Maria, 10% (10 hens) from La Tranca sector, 13% (13 hens) from Angela sector, 17% (17 hens) from El Porvenir, showing 100% of the cases negative. These results offer relevant information for the management and control of these parasites within the hen raising industry at the family level, contributing to the improvement of animal health and in turn to productive efficiency, which will help the economy of the families. There were 100% negative cases in all the animals sampled.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEn la presente investigación experimental se la realizo con la finalidad de identificar al Stramineus menacanthus en gallinas que se crían en las distintas familias de la Parroquia Pimocha del cantón Babahoyo, donde se efectuó el análisis macroscópico de 100 de las aves, evaluando cada una de ellas según los parámetros señalados como lo son la edad, raza y procedencia. Tomando en cuenta que dichas familias no poseen un control sanitario adecuado como lo es un calendario de vacunación, desparasitación y vitaminizacion. Desarrollada esta investigación se obtuvo los siguientes resultados: en raza criollas que fue lo que analizo se obtuvo el 0% de casos positivo y el 100% en los casos negativo, así como en edad fue variable, donde se encontraron gallinas de varias semas de edad, con un 0% positivo en las distintas edades y el 20% en gallinas de 1 a 3 semanas, 37% de 4 a 6 semanas y el 43% en gallinas de 7 a 12 semanas de edad, dando como resultado un 100% negativo en los análisis macroscópicos de las mismas, y de igual manera para la procedencia el 0% de casos positivo y el 19% (19 gallinas) que provenían del sector La Carmela, 11% (11 gallinas) de La Margarita, 10% (10 gallinas) del sector el desquite, 10% (10 gallinas) de La Reforma, 10% (10 gallinas) de Rosa María, 10% (10 gallinas) del sector La Tranca, 13% (13 gallinas) del sector Angela, 17% (17 gallinas) de El Porvenir, arrojando un 100% de los casos negativo. Donde estos resultados ofrecen información relevante para la gestión y control de estos parásitos dentro de la industria de la crianza de gallinas a nivel familiar, contribuyendo a la mejora de la salud de los animales y a su vez a la eficiencia productiva, que ayudaran a la economía de las familias. Donde se presentan un 100% de casos negativo de todos los animales muestreados.es_ES
dc.format.extent37 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectStramineus menacanthuses_ES
dc.titleIdentificación de Stramineus menacanthus en gallinas, de la parroquia Pimocha, del cantón Babahoyoes_ES

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