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dc.contributor.advisorGüillín Núñez, Milton Eduardo
dc.contributor.authorSantana Loor, Adrián Agustín
dc.descriptionThis study focuses on the Avícola Keven company, located in the Vinces Canton, Los Ríos Province, Ecuador. The company, which is dedicated to the sale of birds, faces significant challenges due to the lack of efficient marketing strategies. The objective of the study is to analyze and improve these strategies to increase the competitiveness and marketing of their products. Businesses in Vinces, particularly small ones, have difficulty increasing their sales due to their limited knowledge of marketing strategies. This lack of knowledge negatively affects the marketing of their products. Furthermore, lack of technological and marketing skills among local entrepreneurs prevents proper promotion, reducing their market reach. The research is justified by the need to improve the marketing of poultry products in Vinces. The implementation of marketing strategies will allow local producers to promote their products more effectively, taking advantage of digital platforms to reach a wider audience and build customer loyalty. That is why we seek to analyze the marketing strategies in the Keven Poultry company of the Vinces Canton. Qualitative and quantitative methods were used to collect data through surveys carried out on a representative sample of the population of the Vinces Canton.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis study focuses on the Avícola Keven company, located in the Vinces Canton, Los Ríos Province, Ecuador. The company, which is dedicated to the sale of birds, faces significant challenges due to the lack of efficient marketing strategies. The objective of the study is to analyze and improve these strategies to increase the competitiveness and marketing of their products. Businesses in Vinces, particularly small ones, have difficulty increasing their sales due to their limited knowledge of marketing strategies. This lack of knowledge negatively affects the marketing of their products. Furthermore, lack of technological and marketing skills among local entrepreneurs prevents proper promotion, reducing their market reach. The research is justified by the need to improve the marketing of poultry products in Vinces. The implementation of marketing strategies will allow local producers to promote their products more effectively, taking advantage of digital platforms to reach a wider audience and build customer loyalty. That is why we seek to analyze the marketing strategies in the Keven Poultry company of the Vinces Canton. Qualitative and quantitative methods were used to collect data through surveys carried out on a representative sample of the population of the Vinces Canton.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEste estudio se centra en la empresa Avícola Keven, situada en el Cantón Vinces, Provincia de Los Ríos, Ecuador. La empresa, que se dedica a la venta de aves, enfrenta retos importantes debido a la carencia de estrategias de marketing eficientes. El objetivo del estudio es analizar y mejorar dichas estrategias para aumentar la competitividad y comercialización de sus productos. Las empresas en Vinces, particularmente las pequeñas, tienen dificultades para incrementar sus ventas debido a su conocimiento limitado sobre estrategias de marketing. Esta falta de conocimiento afecta negativamente la comercialización de sus productos. Además, la carencia de habilidades tecnológicas y de marketing entre los empresarios locales impide una promoción adecuada, lo que reduce su alcance en el mercado. La investigación se justifica por la necesidad de mejorar la comercialización de productos avícolas en Vinces. La implementación de estrategias de marketing permitirá a los productores locales promocionar sus productos de manera más eficaz, aprovechando las plataformas digitales para llegar a un público más amplio y fidelizar a los clientes. Por eso se busca Analizar las estrategias de marketing en la empresa Avícola Keven del Cantón Vinces, Se utilizaron métodos cualitativos y cuantitativos para recoger datos a través de encuestas realizadas a una muestra representativa de la población del Cantón Vinces.es_ES
dc.format.extent48 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectEstrategias de marketinges_ES
dc.titleEstrategias de marketing en la Empresa Avícola Keven de el Cantón Vinces de la provincia de Los Ríos en el periodo 2023.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
Except where otherwise noted, this item's license is described as Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador