dc.contributor.advisor | Álava Cobeña, Jorge Eduardo | |
dc.contributor.author | Castillo Yanchapaxi, Jhoel Ufredo | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2024-09-25T18:46:00Z | |
dc.date.available | 2024-09-25T18:46:00Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2024 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://dspace.utb.edu.ec/handle/49000/17342 | |
dc.description | The use of progesterone in production cows in Ecuador, as well as in other countries, is used in breeding programs for the efficient reproductive improvement of cattle. The objective of the experimental work is to investigate the influence of the administration of injectable progesterone before maternal signaling in the relationship with the corpus luteum and its contribution to the pregnancy percentage in cows. It is known that progesterone played a crucial role in the preparation of the uterus for implantation and development of pregnancy. The experimental work was carried out with a completely randomized design "DCA" with 2 treatments from which two groups of cows were designated, which entered the IATF protocol, one group received an injection of 2 ml of progesterone, 16 days post insemination at a fixed time, while another group was assigned as a control group, later the pregnancy percentage was evaluated by ultrasound on specific days post-insemination. The results indicate that there is no significant difference between both treatments, but a 56.33% pregnancy rate was obtained in cows with injectable progesterone, which can be used as an alternative treatment, thus improving reproductive efficiency in bovine production systems. The cost-benefit analysis resulted in a total cost for the treatment group with injectable progesterone of $703.62 and a total cost for the control group without injectable progesterone of $668.58. Thus demonstrating that there is a difference of $35.04 between both treatments, this approach could be an effective strategy to improve fertility rates and productivity in livestock | es_ES |
dc.description | The use of progesterone in production cows in Ecuador, as well as in other countries, is used in breeding programs for the efficient reproductive improvement of cattle. The objective of the experimental work is to investigate the influence of the administration of injectable progesterone before maternal signaling in the relationship with the corpus luteum and its contribution to the pregnancy percentage in cows. It is known that progesterone played a crucial role in the preparation of the uterus for implantation and development of pregnancy. The experimental work was carried out with a completely randomized design "DCA" with 2 treatments from which two groups of cows were designated, which entered the IATF protocol, one group received an injection of 2 ml of progesterone, 16 days post insemination at a fixed time, while another group was assigned as a control group, later the pregnancy percentage was evaluated by ultrasound on specific days post-insemination. The results indicate that there is no significant difference between both treatments, but a 56.33% pregnancy rate was obtained in cows with injectable progesterone, which can be used as an alternative treatment, thus improving reproductive efficiency in bovine production systems. The cost-benefit analysis resulted in a total cost for the treatment group with injectable progesterone of $703.62 and a total cost for the control group without injectable progesterone of $668.58. Thus demonstrating that there is a difference of $35.04 between both treatments, this approach could be an effective strategy to improve fertility rates and productivity in livestock | es_ES |
dc.description.abstract | El uso de la progesterona en vacas de producción en el ecuador, al mismo tiempo que en otros países, es empleado en programas de reproducción para el mejoramiento eficiente reproductivo del ganado bovino. El objetivo del trabajo experimental es investigar la influencia de la administración de progesterona inyectable antes de la señalización materna en la relación con el cuerpo lúteo y su contribución al porcentaje de preñez en vacas. Se conoce que la progesterona desempeñó un papel crucial en la preparación del útero, para la implantación y desarrollo del embarazo. El trabajo experimental se realizó con un diseño completamente al azar “DCA” con 2 tratamientos de los cuales se designaron dos grupos de vacas, que entraron al protocolo de IATF, un grupo recibieron una inyección de 2ml de progesterona, 16 días post inseminación a tiempo fijo, mientras que en otro grupo se lo asignó como grupo testigo, posteriormente se evaluó el porcentaje de preñez mediante ultrasonografía en días específicos post-inseminación. Los resultados indican que no existe una deferencia significativa entre ambos tratamientos, pero se obtuvo como resultado un 56,33% el porcentaje de preñez en vacas con progesterona inyectable, lo cual se puede utilizar como tratamiento alternativo mejorando así la eficiencia reproductiva en sistemas de producción bovina. Los análisis costo beneficio dieron como resultado un costo total por el grupo de tratamiento con progesterona inyectable de $ 703.62 y un costo total para el grupo testigo sin progesterona inyectable de $ 668.58. Demostrando así que existe una diferencia de $ 35.04 entre ambos tratamientos este enfoque podría ser una estrategia efectiva para mejorar los índices de fertilidad y la productividad en la ganadería. | es_ES |
dc.format.extent | 60 | es_ES |
dc.language.iso | es | es_ES |
dc.publisher | BABAHOYO: UTB, 2024 | es_ES |
dc.rights | Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador | * |
dc.rights.uri | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ec/ | * |
dc.subject | Ciclo estral | es_ES |
dc.subject | Progesterona inyectable | es_ES |
dc.subject | Inseminación artificial | es_ES |
dc.subject | Fertilidad | es_ES |
dc.title | Determinación del efecto de progesterona inyectable previo al reconocimiento materno para mejorar el porcentaje de preñez en vacas | es_ES |
dc.type | bachelorThesis | es_ES |