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dc.contributor.advisorOlvera Contreras, Orlando
dc.contributor.authorAlbán Aguirre, Germán Manuel
dc.descriptionThis document details the management of the pest insect Rupela albinella in rice cultivation (Oryza sativa L.) in Ecuador. The general objective was to describe the management of the pest insect Rupela albinella in rice cultivation. To prepare the document, information was collected from magazines, virtual libraries and scientific articles. The information obtained was interpreted, summarized and analyzed to produce relevant information. The conclusions determined that R. albinella is commonly called Rice Bride. Although it is present throughout the crop's development period, it has not been shown to have economic importance. Large numbers of adults are generally observed perching on rice plants, but their presence has not been linked to yield losses. In Ecuador, rice cultivation is widely distributed along almost the entire coastline. R. albinella is important among the insects that attack this crop due to the damage caused by the larvae. In a severe attack, losses can amount to 50% of the production due to panicle vaneing, rotting and drying of the strongly affected stems; although, regularly the damage they cause does not exceed 5%. The beneficial agents that exert biological control on R. albinella is Telenomus rowanii, a natural enemy of the rice bride that parasitizes the eggs of this insect. As a result of this action, this parasitoid carries out a very important natural biological control of the rice bride.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis document details the management of the pest insect Rupela albinella in rice cultivation (Oryza sativa L.) in Ecuador. The general objective was to describe the management of the pest insect Rupela albinella in rice cultivation. To prepare the document, information was collected from magazines, virtual libraries and scientific articles. The information obtained was interpreted, summarized and analyzed to produce relevant information. The conclusions determined that R. albinella is commonly called Rice Bride. Although it is present throughout the crop's development period, it has not been shown to have economic importance. Large numbers of adults are generally observed perching on rice plants, but their presence has not been linked to yield losses. In Ecuador, rice cultivation is widely distributed along almost the entire coastline. R. albinella is important among the insects that attack this crop due to the damage caused by the larvae. In a severe attack, losses can amount to 50% of the production due to panicle vaneing, rotting and drying of the strongly affected stems; although, regularly the damage they cause does not exceed 5%. The beneficial agents that exert biological control on R. albinella is Telenomus rowanii, a natural enemy of the rice bride that parasitizes the eggs of this insect. As a result of this action, this parasitoid carries out a very important natural biological control of the rice bride.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente documento detalla sobre el manejo del insecto plaga Rupela albinella en el cultivo del arroz (Oryza sativa L.) en el Ecuador. El objetivo general fue describir el manejo del insecto plaga Rupela albinella en el cultivo del arroz. Para elaborar el documento se recopiló información de revistas, bibliotecas virtuales y artículos científicos. La información obtenida fue interpretada, resumida y analizada para producir información relevante. Las conclusiones determinaron que R. albinella se denomina comúnmente Novia del arroz. Aunque está presente durante toda la época de desarrollo del cultivo, no se ha demostrado que tenga importancia económica. Generalmente se observa un gran número de adultos posados en plantas de arroz, pero su presencia no se ha relacionado con pérdidas del rendimiento. En el Ecuador, el cultivo del arroz está ampliamente distribuido en casi todo el litoral. R. albinella tiene importancia entre los insectos que atacan a este cultivo por los daños que ocasionan las larvas. En un ataque severo las pérdidas pueden ascender a un 50 % de la producción por vaneamiento de las panículas, pudrición y secamiento de los tallos fuertemente afectados; aunque, regularmente los daños que ocasionan no pasan del 5 %. Los agentes benéficos que ejercen control biológico sobre la R. albinella es el Telenomus rowanii, enemigo natural de la novia del arroz que parasita los huevos de este insecto, producto de esta acción este parasitoide realiza un control biológico natural muy importante de la novia del arroz.es_ES
dc.format.extent34 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleManejo del insecto plaga Rupela albinella Cramer, 1960 en el cultivo del arroz (Oryza sativa L.) en el Ecuadores_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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