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dc.contributor.advisorMarcial Chang, Dayra
dc.contributor.authorAlarcón Cevallos, Mercy Zobeida
dc.descriptionThe objective of the project focuses on analyzing the effects of sand extraction on La Reveza Beach, located in the Palenque Canton, with a particular focus on the development of sustainable tourism. Sand extraction, driven by commercial needs, presents important remains for the tourist potential of La Reveza. This unregulated process damages the ecological balance, visual quality and tourist attraction of the beach, which compromises sustainable tourism. Research is necessary to understand the effects and take measures to maintain La Reveza as a sustainable tourist attraction. The research is aligned with the United Nations sustainable development goal number 15, and the direct beneficiaries are the local community and tourists. According to the findings, sand extraction has a negative impact on tourism and the perception of sustainability in La Reveza. Furthermore, it has a significant impact on the profitability of local businesses and economic sustainability. Based on the findings, improved environmental, more sustainable extraction methods, community participation in educational programs, economic diversification, continuous observation measures, strategic partnerships and land use restrictions are proposed to reduce negative effects.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe objective of the project focuses on analyzing the effects of sand extraction on La Reveza Beach, located in the Palenque Canton, with a particular focus on the development of sustainable tourism. Sand extraction, driven by commercial needs, presents important remains for the tourist potential of La Reveza. This unregulated process damages the ecological balance, visual quality and tourist attraction of the beach, which compromises sustainable tourism. Research is necessary to understand the effects and take measures to maintain La Reveza as a sustainable tourist attraction. The research is aligned with the United Nations sustainable development goal number 15, and the direct beneficiaries are the local community and tourists. According to the findings, sand extraction has a negative impact on tourism and the perception of sustainability in La Reveza. Furthermore, it has a significant impact on the profitability of local businesses and economic sustainability. Based on the findings, improved environmental, more sustainable extraction methods, community participation in educational programs, economic diversification, continuous observation measures, strategic partnerships and land use restrictions are proposed to reduce negative effects.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl objetivo del proyecto se centra en analizar los efectos de la extracción de arena en la Playa La Reveza, ubicada en el Cantón Palenque, con un enfoque particular en el desarrollo del turismo sostenible. La extracción de arena, impulsada por necesidades comerciales, presenta importantes restos para el potencial turístico de La Reveza. Este proceso no regulado daña el equilibrio ecológico, la calidad visual y la atracción turística de la playa, lo que compromete el turismo sostenible. La investigación es necesaria para comprender los efectos y tomar medidas para mantener La Reveza como atractivo turístico sostenible. La investigación se alinea con el objetivo de desarrollo sostenible numero 15 de las naciones unidas, y los beneficiarios directos son la comunidad local y los turistas. Según los hallazgos, la extracción de arena tiene un impacto negativo en el turismo y la percepción de la sostenibilidad en La Reveza. Además, tiene un impacto significativo en la rentabilidad de las empresas locales y la sostenibilidad económica. Con base en los hallazgos, se proponen medidas ambientales mejoradas, métodos de extracción más sostenibles, participación comunitaria en los programas educativos, diversificación económica, observación continua, asociaciones estratégicas y restricciones en el uso del suelo para reducir los efectos negativos.es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectDesarrollo sosteniblees_ES
dc.subjectEconomía circulares_ES
dc.subjectDesarrollo económico locales_ES
dc.subjectImpacto ambientales_ES
dc.subjectTurismo sosteniblees_ES
dc.titleEfectos de la extracción de arena en el desarrollo del turismo sostenible en la playa la reveza del cantón palenque.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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