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dc.contributor.advisorArana Cadena, Ricardo Melecio
dc.contributor.authorCisneros Avilés, Gloria Estefania
dc.descriptionVirtual learning environments represent a significant transformation in contemporary education. These technology-based environments allow students to access a wide range of online educational resources and participate in interactive learning experiences. Flexibility, customization, and accessibility are key features of these environments, making them powerful tools for distance learning and online education. In addition, they promote collaboration between students and adaptation to different learning styles. However, they also pose challenges in terms of data security and privacy. Ultimately, virtual learning environments continue to evolve and play a critical role in modern education, providing innovative and accessible learning opportunities for a wide range of students. A virtual learning environment is an educational space hosted on the web, a set of computer tools that enable didactic interaction so that the student can carry out the tasks inherent to teaching such as talking, reading documents, doing exercises, formulating questions to the teacher, working as a team, etc. All this in a simulated way without any physical interaction between teachers and students. Technological dimensions, publication of materials and activities, communication or interaction between group members, collaboration to carry out group tasks. Educational dimensions, promote learning through multidirectional communication processes, it is a shared work environment for the construction of knowledge based on the active participation and cooperation of all members of the group.es_ES
dc.descriptionVirtual learning environments represent a significant transformation in contemporary education. These technology-based environments allow students to access a wide range of online educational resources and participate in interactive learning experiences. Flexibility, customization, and accessibility are key features of these environments, making them powerful tools for distance learning and online education. In addition, they promote collaboration between students and adaptation to different learning styles. However, they also pose challenges in terms of data security and privacy. Ultimately, virtual learning environments continue to evolve and play a critical role in modern education, providing innovative and accessible learning opportunities for a wide range of students. A virtual learning environment is an educational space hosted on the web, a set of computer tools that enable didactic interaction so that the student can carry out the tasks inherent to teaching such as talking, reading documents, doing exercises, formulating questions to the teacher, working as a team, etc. All this in a simulated way without any physical interaction between teachers and students. Technological dimensions, publication of materials and activities, communication or interaction between group members, collaboration to carry out group tasks. Educational dimensions, promote learning through multidirectional communication processes, it is a shared work environment for the construction of knowledge based on the active participation and cooperation of all members of the group.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLos ambientes de aprendizaje virtuales representan una transformación significativa en la educación contemporánea. Estos entornos, basados en tecnología, permiten a los estudiantes acceder a una amplia gama de recursos educativos en línea y participar en experiencias de aprendizaje interactivas. La flexibilidad, la personalización y la accesibilidad son características clave de estos ambientes, lo que los convierte en herramientas poderosas para el aprendizaje a distancia y la educación en línea. Además, promueven la colaboración entre estudiantes y la adaptación a diferentes estilos de aprendizaje. Sin embargo, también plantean desafíos en cuanto a la seguridad y la privacidad de los datos. En última instancia, los ambientes de aprendizaje virtuales continúan evolucionando y desempeñan un papel fundamental en la educación moderna, brindando oportunidades de aprendizaje innovadoras y accesibles para una amplia gama de estudiantes. Un entorno virtual de aprendizaje es un espacio educativo alojado en la web, un conjunto de herramientas informáticas que posibilitan la interacción didáctica de manera que el alumno pueda llevar a cabo las labores propias de la docencia como son conversar, leer documentos, realizar ejercicios, formular preguntas al docente, trabajar en equipo, etc. Todo ello de forma simulad sin que medie una interacción física entre docentes y alumnos. Dimensiones tecnológicas, publicación de materiales y actividades, la comunicación o interacción entre los miembros del grupo, la colaboración para la realización de tareas grupales. Dimensiones educativas, promover el aprendizaje a partir de procesos de comunicación, multidireccionales, se trata de un ambiente de trabajo compartido para la construcción del conocimiento en base a la participación activa y la cooperación de todos los miembros del grupoes_ES
dc.format.extent64 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2023es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectPlataforma de e-learninges_ES
dc.subjectRedes socialeses_ES
dc.titleAmbientes de aprendizajes virtuales y su aporte en los procesos de enseñanzas-aprendizaje en estudiantes del sexto año de educación básica de la Escuela Juan E. Verdesoto, Cantón Babahoyo, Provincia de Los Ríos 2023es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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