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dc.contributor.advisorMora Castro, Oscar
dc.contributor.authorYandún Godoy, Estalin Mauricio
dc.descriptionThe broad bean is a typical crop from the highlands of Ecuador, which belongs to the legume family, its consumption is very popular throughout the country, both in green pods and dry grains. The purpose of this research work was to determine the diseases that affect the broad bean crop, in the El Ángel parish, Espejo canton, Carchi. In order to carry out adequate and timely control, which reduces the rate of damage to the crop, improving production results and profitability for the producer. The diseases that cause damage to the broad bean crop and are the biggest problem for producers in the area are: Chocolate spot (Botrytis fabae), Ascochyta spot, root rot and Rust (Uromyces fabae). The chocolate spot is considered the most important disease in broad bean cultivation, it presents circular or oval chocolate-brown spots on the upper side and underside of the leaves, it can also occur on the stems, flowers and fruits, when environmental conditions are favourable. Most of the producers sow the machetona criolla variety, using chemical products to control diseases and, in addition, the producers in the study area have not received training on the correct use of fungicideses_ES
dc.descriptionThe broad bean is a typical crop from the highlands of Ecuador, which belongs to the legume family, its consumption is very popular throughout the country, both in green pods and dry grains. The purpose of this research work was to determine the diseases that affect the broad bean crop, in the El Ángel parish, Espejo canton, Carchi. In order to carry out adequate and timely control, which reduces the rate of damage to the crop, improving production results and profitability for the producer. The diseases that cause damage to the broad bean crop and are the biggest problem for producers in the area are: Chocolate spot (Botrytis fabae), Ascochyta spot, root rot and Rust (Uromyces fabae). The chocolate spot is considered the most important disease in broad bean cultivation, it presents circular or oval chocolate-brown spots on the upper side and underside of the leaves, it can also occur on the stems, flowers and fruits, when environmental conditions are favourable. Most of the producers sow the machetona criolla variety, using chemical products to control diseases and, in addition, the producers in the study area have not received training on the correct use of fungicideses_ES
dc.description.abstractEl haba es un cultivo típico de la zona alta del Ecuador, que pertenece a la familia de las leguminosas, su consumo es muy popular en todo el país, tanto en vaina verde, como en grano seco. Este trabajo de investigación tuvo como finalidad determinar las enfermedades que afectan al cultivo de haba, en la parroquia El Ángel, cantón Espejo, Carchi. Para poder efectuar un control adecuado y oportuno, que reduzca el índice de daños en el cultivo, mejorando los resultados de producción y rentabilidad para el productor. Las enfermedades que originan daños al cultivo de haba y de mayor problema para los productores de la zona son: La mancha de chocolate (Botrytis fabae), mancha de ascochyta, pudrición de la raíz y Roya (Uromyces fabae). La mancha de chocolate considerada como la enfermedad de mayor importancia en el cultivo de haba, presenta en el haz y envés de las hojas manchas de color café chocolate de forma circular u oval, también se puede presentar en los tallos, flores y frutos, cuando las condiciones ambientales sean favorables. La mayoría de los productores siembran la variedad criolla machetona, empleando productos químicos para el control de las enfermedades y además, los productores de la zona de estudio no han recibido capacitaciones sobre el uso correcto de los fungicidases_ES
dc.format.extent19 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2023es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleEnfermedades del cultivo de haba (Vicia faba L), en la parroquia El Ángel, cantón Espejo, Carchi.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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