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dc.contributor.advisorSalamea Limones, Victoria
dc.contributor.authorSolórzano Bravo, Laura Yissela
dc.descriptionThis thesis focuses on the comprehensive analysis of the electoral campaign strategy of candidate Gustavo Barquet in the 2023 sectional elections, with a focus on the city of Babahoyo. The overall objective of this research is to examine the communication strategies implemented by the candidate and evaluate their impact on public perception and electoral results. The study was conducted through a research methodology that included the collection of qualitative and quantitative data, as well as interviews with experts in political communication and content analysis of campaign messages. Specific objectives addressed the identification of the main communication strategies used by Gustavo Barquet, the evaluation of the level of citizen participation and mobilization generated by these strategies, and finally, the analysis of the impact of the strategies on the candidate's public perception. The findings of this research revealed that Gustavo Barquet's campaign stood out for its focus on personalizing political communication, using strategies based on the construction of a strong narrative and the effective use of the candidate's image. Additionally, a high level of citizen participation and significant voter mobilization in response to these strategies were observed. One of the most significant outcomes was Gustavo Barquet's electoral victory in the sectional elections of Babahoyo, obtaining 41.31% of the votes and surpassing his closest rival, César Troya of the Social Christian Party, who received 22.20% of the votes. This study concludes that the political communication strategies employed by Gustavo Barquet played a fundamental role in his electoral success. These strategies focused on building a positive image and establishing an emotional connection with voters, resulting in a resounding victory in the 2023 sectional elections in Babahoyo. This analysis provides valuable insights into how political communication strategies can influence electoral outcomes and the public perception of candidates in the context of local elections. Furthermore, it offers useful insights for future political campaigns in a constantly evolving democratic environment.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis thesis focuses on the comprehensive analysis of the electoral campaign strategy of candidate Gustavo Barquet in the 2023 sectional elections, with a focus on the city of Babahoyo. The overall objective of this research is to examine the communication strategies implemented by the candidate and evaluate their impact on public perception and electoral results. The study was conducted through a research methodology that included the collection of qualitative and quantitative data, as well as interviews with experts in political communication and content analysis of campaign messages. Specific objectives addressed the identification of the main communication strategies used by Gustavo Barquet, the evaluation of the level of citizen participation and mobilization generated by these strategies, and finally, the analysis of the impact of the strategies on the candidate's public perception. The findings of this research revealed that Gustavo Barquet's campaign stood out for its focus on personalizing political communication, using strategies based on the construction of a strong narrative and the effective use of the candidate's image. Additionally, a high level of citizen participation and significant voter mobilization in response to these strategies were observed. One of the most significant outcomes was Gustavo Barquet's electoral victory in the sectional elections of Babahoyo, obtaining 41.31% of the votes and surpassing his closest rival, César Troya of the Social Christian Party, who received 22.20% of the votes. This study concludes that the political communication strategies employed by Gustavo Barquet played a fundamental role in his electoral success. These strategies focused on building a positive image and establishing an emotional connection with voters, resulting in a resounding victory in the 2023 sectional elections in Babahoyo. This analysis provides valuable insights into how political communication strategies can influence electoral outcomes and the public perception of candidates in the context of local elections. Furthermore, it offers useful insights for future political campaigns in a constantly evolving democratic environment.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEsta tesis se centra en el análisis exhaustivo de la estrategia de la campaña electoral del candidato Gustavo Barquet en las elecciones seccionales de 2023, con un enfoque en la ciudad de Babahoyo. El objetivo general de esta investigación es examinar las estrategias de comunicación implementadas por el candidato y evaluar su impacto en la percepción pública y en los resultados electorales. El estudio se desarrolló a través de una metodología de investigación que incluyó la recopilación de datos cualitativos y cuantitativos, así como la realización de entrevistas a expertos en comunicación política y análisis de contenido de los mensajes de campaña. Los objetivos específicos abordaron la identificación de las principales estrategias de comunicación utilizadas por Gustavo Barquet, la evaluación del nivel de participación ciudadana y movilización generada por estas estrategias, y finalmente, el análisis del impacto de las estrategias en la percepción pública del candidato. Los hallazgos de esta investigación revelaron que la campaña de Gustavo Barquet se destacó por su enfoque en la personalización de la comunicación política, utilizando estrategias basadas en la construcción de una narrativa sólida y el uso efectivo de la imagen del candidato. Además, se observó un alto nivel de participación ciudadana y una movilización significativa de votantes en respuesta a estas estrategias. Uno de los resultados más significativos fue la victoria electoral de Gustavo Barquet en las elecciones seccionales de Babahoyo, obteniendo un 41.31% de los votos y superando a su rival más cercano, César Troya, del Partido Social Cristiano, quien obtuvo un 22.20% de los votos. Este estudio concluye que las estrategias de comunicación política empleadas por Gustavo Barquet desempeñaron un papel fundamental en su éxito electoral. Estas estrategias se centraron en la construcción de una imagen positiva y en la conexión emocional con los votantes, lo que resultó en una victoria contundente en las elecciones seccionales de 2023 en Babahoyo. Este análisis proporciona información valiosa para entender cómo las estrategias de comunicación política pueden influir en los resultados electorales y en la percepción pública de los candidatos en el contexto de elecciones locales. Además, ofrece insights útiles para futuras campañas políticas en un entorno democrático en constante evolución.es_ES
dc.format.extent72 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2023es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectEstrategia de campañaes_ES
dc.subjectComunicación políticaes_ES
dc.subjectElecciones seccionaleses_ES
dc.subjectPercepción públicaes_ES
dc.titleEstrategia de la campaña electoral del candidato Gustavo Barquet en las elecciones seccionales 2023es_ES

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