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dc.contributor.advisorCadena Piedrahita, Dalton Leonardo
dc.contributor.authorAndreé Iperti, Holger Steeven
dc.descriptionProductive Loans play a key role in job creation, helping to keep people in their communities and invigorating local economies. They also enhance the quality of life by providing funding for productive activities. As a result, BanEcuador's Productive Loans in Ecuador are a cornerstone of the country's economic development, with a special focus on the agricultural sector. These loans offer affordable interest rates, making them accessible to a wide range of applicants, from small farmers to small and medium-sized enterprises. This promotes financial inclusion and facilitates access to essential resources for economic growth. Especially in the agricultural sector, these loans strengthen food production, promote crop diversification, and contribute to Ecuador's economic stability. In summary, BanEcuador's Productive Loans are an essential driver of sustainable economic development in the country.es_ES
dc.descriptionProductive Loans play a key role in job creation, helping to keep people in their communities and invigorating local economies. They also enhance the quality of life by providing funding for productive activities. As a result, BanEcuador's Productive Loans in Ecuador are a cornerstone of the country's economic development, with a special focus on the agricultural sector. These loans offer affordable interest rates, making them accessible to a wide range of applicants, from small farmers to small and medium-sized enterprises. This promotes financial inclusion and facilitates access to essential resources for economic growth. Especially in the agricultural sector, these loans strengthen food production, promote crop diversification, and contribute to Ecuador's economic stability. In summary, BanEcuador's Productive Loans are an essential driver of sustainable economic development in the country.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLos Créditos Productivos desempeñan un papel clave en la generación de empleo, ayudando a mantener a las personas en sus comunidades y dinamizando las economías locales. También mejoran la calidad de vida al proporcionar financiamiento para actividades productivas, por lo cual, los Créditos Productivos de BanEcuador en Ecuador son una piedra angular del desarrollo económico del país, con un enfoque especial en el sector agrícola. Estos préstamos ofrecen tasas de interés asequibles, lo que los hace accesibles para una amplia gama de solicitantes, desde pequeños agricultores hasta pequeñas y medianas empresas. Esto promueve la inclusión financiera y facilita el acceso a recursos esenciales para el crecimiento económico. Especialmente en el sector agrícola, estos créditos fortalecen la producción de alimentos, fomentan la diversificación de cultivos y contribuyen a la estabilidad económica de Ecuador. En resumen, los Créditos Productivos de BanEcuador son un motor esencial para el desarrollo económico sostenible del país.es_ES
dc.format.extent20 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2023es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectCréditos productivoses_ES
dc.subjectSector agrícolaes_ES
dc.subjectTasas de interéses_ES
dc.titleCréditos productivos para el desarrollo agrícola en el Ecuadores_ES

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