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dc.contributor.advisorArellano Gómez, John Javier
dc.contributor.authorPeralta Cabezas, Daniela Magdalena
dc.descriptionThe present work consisted of a bibliographical study about the evaluation of environmental impacts within the swine industry and proposals for improvement in the management of manure, which affect public health due to the greater increase in diseases.The objective of this document is to identify the causes and problems generated by pig production and list the proposals for improvement in the management of slurry in order to reduce the degradation that they cause to the planet by affecting the soil, air and water. The methodology with which this work was carried out is by the inductive-deductive method, through scientific articles and among others. Currently, it is considered that pig productions due to bad pig practices are the ones that cause a greater increase in contamination due to the increase in carbon dioxide and methane gas due to small and medium producers, since they have been named as the main authors of the increase in environmental problems and this will generate an increase in the proliferation of infectious vector organisms. Based on the results obtained, I have come to the conclusion that pig farmers can carry out improvement proposals such as the development of biodigesters and using biogas or organic fertilizers such as composting or bocashi for agricultural crops. In addition, it is recommended to use meshes and doors in order to reduce the presence of infectious vectors.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe present work consisted of a bibliographical study about the evaluation of environmental impacts within the swine industry and proposals for improvement in the management of manure, which affect public health due to the greater increase in diseases.The objective of this document is to identify the causes and problems generated by pig production and list the proposals for improvement in the management of slurry in order to reduce the degradation that they cause to the planet by affecting the soil, air and water. The methodology with which this work was carried out is by the inductive-deductive method, through scientific articles and among others. Currently, it is considered that pig productions due to bad pig practices are the ones that cause a greater increase in contamination due to the increase in carbon dioxide and methane gas due to small and medium producers, since they have been named as the main authors of the increase in environmental problems and this will generate an increase in the proliferation of infectious vector organisms. Based on the results obtained, I have come to the conclusion that pig farmers can carry out improvement proposals such as the development of biodigesters and using biogas or organic fertilizers such as composting or bocashi for agricultural crops. In addition, it is recommended to use meshes and doors in order to reduce the presence of infectious vectors.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente trabajo consistió en un estudio bibliográfico acerca de la evaluación de los impactos ambientales dentro de la industria porcina y propuestas de mejora en el manejo de purines, misma que afectan a la salud pública debido al mayor incremento de enfermedades. El objetivo de este documento es identificar las causas y problemas que genera las producciones porcinas y enlistar las propuestas de mejora en el manejo de los purines con el fin de reducir la degradación que le provocan al planeta mediante las afectaciones del suelo, aire y agua. La metodología con la que se realizó este trabajo es por el método inductivo-deductivo, a través de artículos científicos y entre otros. Actualmente, está considerado que las producciones porcinas debido a las malas prácticas porcícolas, son las que causan un mayor aumento de contaminaciones debido a que existen el incremento del dióxido de carbono y de gas metano por causa de los pequeños y medianos productores, ya que han sido denominados como los principales autores del incremento de los problemas ambientales y esto va a generar un aumento en la proliferación de los organismos vectores infecciosos. Basándonos en los resultados obtenidos, he llegado a la conclusión que los porcicultores logren realizar las propuestas de mejora como son la elaboración de los biodigestores y utilizando el biogás o abonos orgánicos como son el compostaje o el bocashi para los cultivos agrícolas. Además, se recomienda utilizar mallas y puertas con el fin que se logre disminuir la presencia de los vectores infecciosos.es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectImpactos Ambientaleses_ES
dc.title“Evaluación de impactos ambientales de la industria porcina y propuestas de mejora en el manejo de purines”es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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