dc.contributor.advisor | Goyes Cabezas, Miguel Ángel | |
dc.contributor.author | Muñoz Mora, Nayely Michel | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2023-05-22T20:54:31Z | |
dc.date.available | 2023-05-22T20:54:31Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2023 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://dspace.utb.edu.ec/handle/49000/13809 | |
dc.description | Pineapple marketing in Ecuador is directly related to the export of 85% of production to foreign markets, while the rest is destined for domestic consumption; high freight costs and shortage of containers prevent the transfer to other regions of the country, generating a surplus in the domestic market where supply is growing and prices are declining. The information was collected through the technique of analysis, synthesis and summary in order to inform the reader about the current situation of the commercialization of pineapple (A. comosus) in Ecuador. From the above, it was determined that the commercialization of pineapple in the local market is a process that represents a sequence of stages and distribution such as: farmer, collector, wholesaler, retailer, consumer. The quality of the fruit must comply with various parameters that may vary depending on the market, in which activities such as washing the fruit, packaging and transporting the fruit must be carried out. Wholesale pineapple prices have a very spontaneous variation due to many factors, either in the harvest or in production; locally the average price of pineapple is $ 0.85 per unit. The production of a producer per hectare is around 25,000 kilos of pineapple, which is sold at a price of $ 0.35, which gives an income of $ 8,750; from this income the producer covers production costs and returns the initial investment. The different distribution channels of the pineapple exporting companies are the same as those used by the banana companies, which take advantage of the transportation logistics that exist for export. The commercialization of pineapple in the international market is a process that represents a direct relationship between the farmer and the exporter and then the final consumer. | es_ES |
dc.description | Pineapple marketing in Ecuador is directly related to the export of 85% of production to foreign markets, while the rest is destined for domestic consumption; high freight costs and shortage of containers prevent the transfer to other regions of the country, generating a surplus in the domestic market where supply is growing and prices are declining. The information was collected through the technique of analysis, synthesis and summary in order to inform the reader about the current situation of the commercialization of pineapple (A. comosus) in Ecuador. From the above, it was determined that the commercialization of pineapple in the local market is a process that represents a sequence of stages and distribution such as: farmer, collector, wholesaler, retailer, consumer. The quality of the fruit must comply with various parameters that may vary depending on the market, in which activities such as washing the fruit, packaging and transporting the fruit must be carried out. Wholesale pineapple prices have a very spontaneous variation due to many factors, either in the harvest or in production; locally the average price of pineapple is $ 0.85 per unit. The production of a producer per hectare is around 25,000 kilos of pineapple, which is sold at a price of $ 0.35, which gives an income of $ 8,750; from this income the producer covers production costs and returns the initial investment. The different distribution channels of the pineapple exporting companies are the same as those used by the banana companies, which take advantage of the transportation logistics that exist for export. The commercialization of pineapple in the international market is a process that represents a direct relationship between the farmer and the exporter and then the final consumer. | es_ES |
dc.description.abstract | La comercialización de la piña en el Ecuador está relacionada directamente con la exportación del 85 % de la producción a mercados del exterior, mientras que el resto se destina al consumo interno; los altos costos de los fletes y escasez de contenedores impiden el traslado a otras regiones del país, generando un excedente en el mercado nacional donde la oferta tiene un crecimiento y los precios decaen. La información fue recolectada mediante la técnica de análisis, síntesis y resumen con la finalidad de que el lector conozca sobre la situación actual de la comercialización del cultivo de piña (A. comosus) en el Ecuador. Por lo anteriormente detallado se determinó que la comercialización de la piña en el mercado local es un proceso que representa una secuencia de etapas y distribución tales como: Agricultor, recolector, mayorista, minorista, consumidor. Dentro de la calidad de la fruta se deben cumplir diversos parámetros los mismos que pueden variar según el mercado, en la cual se debe cumplir con actividades como lavado de la fruta, empaque y transporte de la fruta. Los precios de la piña al por mayor tienen una variación muy espontanea debido a muchos factores, ya sea en la cosecha o en la producción; a nivel local el precio promedio de piña es de $ 0.85 por unidad. La producción de un productor por hectárea es alrededor de 25.000 kilos de piña, la misma que se vende a un precio de $ 0.35, que le da un ingreso de $ 8.750; de este ingreso obtenido el productor cubre los costos de producción y devuelve la inversión inicial. Los diferentes canales de distribución de las empresas exportadoras de piña son las mismas que utilizan las bananeras, en la cual se aprovecha la parte logística del transporte que existe para la exportación. La comercialización de la piña en el mercado internacional es un proceso que representa una relación directa del agricultor con el exportador y posteriormente el consumidor final. | es_ES |
dc.format.extent | 32 p. | es_ES |
dc.language.iso | es | es_ES |
dc.publisher | BABAHOYO: UTB, 2023 | es_ES |
dc.rights | Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador | * |
dc.rights.uri | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ec/ | * |
dc.subject | Comercialización | es_ES |
dc.subject | Producción | es_ES |
dc.subject | Piña | es_ES |
dc.subject | Precio | es_ES |
dc.title | Situación actual de la comercialización del cultivo de piña (Ananas comosus) en el Ecuador | es_ES |
dc.type | bachelorThesis | es_ES |