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dc.contributor.advisorArellano Valencia, Dario Javier
dc.contributor.authorCampi Bravo, Humberto Yael
dc.descriptionThe main purpose of the case study is to analyze the inventory of montuvio rodeos as a tourist attraction in the province of Los Ríos. For this, a survey of 200 randomly chosen residents of the province was implemented in order to know their opinions on cultural tourism. tourist inventories and innate tourist activities of different localities, it is important to point out that in order to achieve the study, the inductive research method was applied, where it was possible to reach general conclusions of the planning, promotion and realization of the montuvio rodeos; At the same time, the deductive method allowed obtaining specific information on the situations that arise in the execution of that tourist activity, in addition, the analytical method, which helps to establish an exhaustive analysis of the montuvio rodeos and the management they carry out the authorities in the elaboration of an appropriate tourist inventory. Additionally, the types of quantitative and qualitative research that contributed to obtaining numerical data and their respective interpretation were applied. Thus, it was possible to identify the lack of an adequate tourist inventory and the lack of knowledge that people have about the tourist potential of the montuvio rodeos.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe main purpose of the case study is to analyze the inventory of montuvio rodeos as a tourist attraction in the province of Los Ríos. For this, a survey of 200 randomly chosen residents of the province was implemented in order to know their opinions on cultural tourism. tourist inventories and innate tourist activities of different localities, it is important to point out that in order to achieve the study, the inductive research method was applied, where it was possible to reach general conclusions of the planning, promotion and realization of the montuvio rodeos; At the same time, the deductive method allowed obtaining specific information on the situations that arise in the execution of that tourist activity, in addition, the analytical method, which helps to establish an exhaustive analysis of the montuvio rodeos and the management they carry out the authorities in the elaboration of an appropriate tourist inventory. Additionally, the types of quantitative and qualitative research that contributed to obtaining numerical data and their respective interpretation were applied. Thus, it was possible to identify the lack of an adequate tourist inventory and the lack of knowledge that people have about the tourist potential of the montuvio rodeos.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl estudio de caso tiene como finalidad primordial analizar el inventario de rodeos montubios como atractivo turístico de la provincia de Los Ríos, para esto se implementó una encuesta a 200 personas residentes en la provincia elegidas aleatoriamente con el objetivo de conocer sus opiniones del turismo cultural, inventarios turísticos y actividades turísticas innatas de distintas localidades, es importante señalar que para la consecución del estudio, se aplicó el método de investigación inductivo, donde se logró alcanzar conclusiones generales de la planificación, promoción y realización de los rodeos montubios; al mismo tiempo, el método deductivo permitió la obtención de información específica de las situaciones que se presentan en la ejecución de aquella actividad turística, además, el método analítico, el cual ayuda a establecer un análisis exhaustivo sobre los rodeos montubios y la gestión que efectúan las autoridades en la elaboración de un inventario turístico apropiado. Adicionalmente, se aplicaron los tipos de investigación cuantitativo y cualitativo que contribuyeron en la obtención de datos numéricos y la respectiva interpretación de los mismos. Es así que se pudo identificar la carencia de un inventario turístico adecuado y el desconocimiento que poseen las personas sobre el potencial turístico de los rodeos montubios.es_ES
dc.format.extent49 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2022es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectInventario turísticoes_ES
dc.subjectRodeo montubioes_ES
dc.subjectTurismo culturales_ES
dc.subjectAtractivo turísticoes_ES
dc.titleInventario de rodeos montubios como atractivo turístico de la Provincia de Los Ríoses_ES

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