dc.contributor.advisor | Costabalos Acosta, Luis Reynaldo | |
dc.contributor.author | Coronel Quintero, Alberto Fabian | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2022-07-11T19:30:56Z | |
dc.date.available | 2022-07-11T19:30:56Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2022 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://dspace.utb.edu.ec/handle/49000/12384 | |
dc.description | This study analyzed the environmental impacts for tourism development in the Canton of Quevedo in the year 2021. The city of Quevedo is located in the Province of Los Ríos and is considered the city of the river and one of the main cities with a prestigious reputation in terms of agricultural development, gastronomy, culture and tourist attractions. There is a high demand for tourism in the city, which over the years has led to environmental deterioration that hinders the city's sustainable development. That is why the analysis of the environmental impacts will allow us to mitigate the abuse of natural resources by tourists and people dedicated to enterprises in this sector.
For the realization of our research, we used investigative techniques such as a survey where closed questions were formulated to a population sample of the inhabitants of the city of Quevedo, which was carried out through the calculation of the sample, by which the previous results were obtained with respect to the object of study. We can say then that it is necessary to implement planning measures to encourage not only the tourist but also the community of Quevedo in general to take care of the environment. It is therefore relevant to create a protocol for people who enter the city for tourism, as well as the implementation of signage at key and strategic points of the city to reduce the environmental impact caused by tourism. Since tourism generates sources of employment, it becomes a priority activity in the search for a more sustainable and sustainable city. | es_ES |
dc.description | This study analyzed the environmental impacts for tourism development in the Canton of Quevedo in the year 2021. The city of Quevedo is located in the Province of Los Ríos and is considered the city of the river and one of the main cities with a prestigious reputation in terms of agricultural development, gastronomy, culture and tourist attractions. There is a high demand for tourism in the city, which over the years has led to environmental deterioration that hinders the city's sustainable development. That is why the analysis of the environmental impacts will allow us to mitigate the abuse of natural resources by tourists and people dedicated to enterprises in this sector.
For the realization of our research, we used investigative techniques such as a survey where closed questions were formulated to a population sample of the inhabitants of the city of Quevedo, which was carried out through the calculation of the sample, by which the previous results were obtained with respect to the object of study. We can say then that it is necessary to implement planning measures to encourage not only the tourist but also the community of Quevedo in general to take care of the environment. It is therefore relevant to create a protocol for people who enter the city for tourism, as well as the implementation of signage at key and strategic points of the city to reduce the environmental impact caused by tourism. Since tourism generates sources of employment, it becomes a priority activity in the search for a more sustainable and sustainable city. | es_ES |
dc.description.abstract | En este trabajo se analizaron los impactos ambientales para el desarrollo turístico en el Cantón Quevedo en el año 2021. La ciudad de Quevedo se encuentra localizada en la Provincia de los Ríos y es considera como la ciudad del Rio y unas de las principales ciudades con una prestigiosa reputación en cuanto a desarrollo agrícola, gastronomía, cultura y atractivos turísticos. Dentro de la ciudad existe mucha demanda turística por lo que con el pasar de los años se ha evidenciado un deterioro ambiental que impide el desarrollo sostenible de la ciudad. Es por ello que el análisis de los impactos medio ambientales permitirá mitigar el abuso de los recursos naturales por parte de los turistas y personas dedicados a emprendimientos de este sector.
Para la realización de nuestra investigación se utilizaron técnicas de investigativas como la realización de una encuesta en donde se formularon preguntas cerradas a una muestra poblacional de los habitantes de la ciudad de Quevedo, que se llevó a cabo mediante el cálculo de la muestra, por el cual se obtuvieron los resultados previos con respecto al objeto de estudio. Podemos decir entonces que es necesario que se implementen medidas de planificación que permitan fomentar, no solo al turista si no a la comunidad quevedeña en general al cuidado del medio ambiente. Es por ello que resulta relevante que se cree un protocolo para las personas que ingresan a hacer turismo en la ciudad, al igual que la implementación de señaléticas en puntos clave y estratégicos de la ciudad para reducir el impacto ambiental ocasionado por la actividad turística. Puesto que el turismo genera fuentes de empleo, se vuelve una actividad priorizada en la búsqueda de una ciudad más sustentable y sostenible. | es_ES |
dc.format.extent | 30 p. | es_ES |
dc.language.iso | es | es_ES |
dc.publisher | BABAHOYO: UTB, 2022 | es_ES |
dc.rights | Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador | * |
dc.rights.uri | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ec/ | * |
dc.subject | Impactos ambientales | es_ES |
dc.subject | Desarrollo turístico | es_ES |
dc.subject | Sostenible y sustentable | es_ES |
dc.title | Análisis de impactos ambientales para el desarrollo turístico en el cantón Quevedo, año 2021 | es_ES |
dc.type | bachelorThesis | es_ES |