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dc.contributor.advisorJadan Solís, Patricia Yajaira
dc.contributor.authorSolórzano Reyes, Thalía Rocío
dc.descriptionPublic relations is an important function in every company, they are dedicated to protecting and consolidating internal and external relationships, building trust with the public and constantly implementing communication strategies that help improve the corporate image. The objective of this research is to determine the influence that public relations have on the corporate image of the municipal GAD of the Valencia canton. The search for information is academic, and is carried out taking into account the opinion of different authors, also the information provided by members of the public entity and, above all, the most important, the opinion of society, which is the one that unconsciously, but in a real way, it creates a corporate, negative or positive image of the institution.es_ES
dc.descriptionPublic relations is an important function in every company, they are dedicated to protecting and consolidating internal and external relationships, building trust with the public and constantly implementing communication strategies that help improve the corporate image. The objective of this research is to determine the influence that public relations have on the corporate image of the municipal GAD of the Valencia canton. The search for information is academic, and is carried out taking into account the opinion of different authors, also the information provided by members of the public entity and, above all, the most important, the opinion of society, which is the one that unconsciously, but in a real way, it creates a corporate, negative or positive image of the institution.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLas relaciones públicas son una función importante en toda empresa, se dedican a proteger y consolidar las relaciones internas y externas, a fidelizar la confianza con el público y a implementar constantemente estrategias de comunicación que ayuden a mejorar la imagen corporativa. El objetivo de esta investigación es determinar la influencia que tienen las relaciones públicas en la imagen corporativa el GAD municipal del cantón Valencia. La búsqueda de información es de ámbito académico, y se realiza tomando en cuenta la opinión de diferentes autores, también la información facilitada por miembros de la entidad pública y sobre todo lo más importante, la opinión de la sociedad, que es la que inconscientemente, pero de forma real, crea una imagen corporativa, negativa o positiva sobre la institución.es_ES
dc.format.extent27 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2022es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectRelaciones públicases_ES
dc.subjectImagen corporativaes_ES
dc.titleRelaciones públicas y su impacto en la imagen Corporativa del GAD Municipal del cantón Valencia, año 2022es_ES

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