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dc.contributor.advisorCarranza Patiño, Helen Maria
dc.contributor.authorVillarreal Cuyabazo, Jenniffer Lissette
dc.descriptionObserving the large number of tourist ventures found in the Canton Ventanas, we sought to measure the impact that these cause on the socioeconomics of the aforementioned city, in which the objective of this case study was based on theoretical support according to to the antecedents of this locality and the surveys carried out within the area. Being Ventanas the maize center of the Province of Los Ríos, it can be established that it is feasible to create this type of enterprise that affects not only the economic development of families but also the city specifically. A study was carried out whose purpose was to determine the socioeconomic impact of tourism enterprises on the development of the Ventanas canton. Probabilistic sampling was applied where a small part of the population was chosen, where a total of 382 people who were randomly chosen participated, where a survey was carried out to obtain the necessary information for the work. The results show that there is a significant relationship in the variables. Therefore, it is concluded that tourism enterprises arise directly from the development of the canton and social welfare.es_ES
dc.descriptionObserving the large number of tourist ventures found in the Canton Ventanas, we sought to measure the impact that these cause on the socioeconomics of the aforementioned city, in which the objective of this case study was based on theoretical support according to to the antecedents of this locality and the surveys carried out within the area. Being Ventanas the maize center of the Province of Los Ríos, it can be established that it is feasible to create this type of enterprise that affects not only the economic development of families but also the city specifically. A study was carried out whose purpose was to determine the socioeconomic impact of tourism enterprises on the development of the Ventanas canton. Probabilistic sampling was applied where a small part of the population was chosen, where a total of 382 people who were randomly chosen participated, where a survey was carried out to obtain the necessary information for the work. The results show that there is a significant relationship in the variables. Therefore, it is concluded that tourism enterprises arise directly from the development of the canton and social welfare.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEn observación de la gran cantidad de emprendimientos turísticos que se encuentran en el Cantón Ventanas, se buscó medir el impacto que causan estos en la socio economía de la ciudad antes mencionada, en el cual el objetivo del presente caso de estudio se basó en un sustento teórico conforme a los antecedentes de esta localidad y las encuestas realizadas dentro de la zona. Siendo Ventanas el centro maicero de la Provincia de Los Ríos se puede establecer que es factible la creación de este tipo de emprendimientos que incidan no solo en el desarrollo económico de las familias sino también la ciudad específicamente. Se realizó un estudio cuyo propósito fue determinar el impacto socio económico de los emprendimientos turísticos al desarrollo del cantón Ventanas. Se aplicó el muestro probabilístico donde se escogió una pequeña parte de la población donde participaron un total de 382 personas que fueron escogidas aleatoriamente, en donde se realizó una encuesta para la obtención de información necesaria para el trabajo. Los resultados demuestran que existe una relación significativa en las variables. Por lo tanto, se concluye que los emprendimientos turísticos afectan directamente al desarrollo del cantón y del bienestar social.es_ES
dc.format.extent39 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2022es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleEmprendimientos turísticos y su impacto en el desarrollo socio económico del cantón Ventanas, Provincia de Los Ríos – año 2022es_ES

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