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dc.contributor.advisorHidalgo Troya, Fausto
dc.contributor.authorContreras Olea, Mary Carmen
dc.descriptionThe main theme of this research is: Communication skills and their importance in the work activities of the Executive Secretaries of the Tropical Fruit Mobilizer of Production and Commercialization The Clementina – FRU.COM.CLE. The following main objective has been set, which is: To determine the communication skills and their importance in the work activities of the Executive Secretaries. During the development of this work the research modality was implemented: Documentary, and Field, and in turn the type of research: Descriptive, which allowed to collect information on the variables of study. In addition, this research required the application of the Inductive and Deductive methods, from which information was obtained in a general and particular way, and which also allowed the development of solutions and conclusions on the problems posed. The use of the survey was of great importance to achieve the collection of information and subsequently to obtain the facts or problems that arise in the company, where it was detected the lack of knowledge and little importance that the secretaries have regarding the management of communication skills, especially when they are carrying out their work activities that may present difficulties in dealing with customers, bosses, co-workers, not having the capacity to resolve labor disputes, among others, this some of the results that could be known during this investigative process, and which should be taken into consideration when implementing training or strategies that allow the potential or generate knowledge on the main themes and other related topics. Keywords: communication skills, work activities, competences.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe main theme of this research is: Communication skills and their importance in the work activities of the Executive Secretaries of the Tropical Fruit Mobilizer of Production and Commercialization The Clementina – FRU.COM.CLE. The following main objective has been set, which is: To determine the communication skills and their importance in the work activities of the Executive Secretaries. During the development of this work the research modality was implemented: Documentary, and Field, and in turn the type of research: Descriptive, which allowed to collect information on the variables of study. In addition, this research required the application of the Inductive and Deductive methods, from which information was obtained in a general and particular way, and which also allowed the development of solutions and conclusions on the problems posed. The use of the survey was of great importance to achieve the collection of information and subsequently to obtain the facts or problems that arise in the company, where it was detected the lack of knowledge and little importance that the secretaries have regarding the management of communication skills, especially when they are carrying out their work activities that may present difficulties in dealing with customers, bosses, co-workers, not having the capacity to resolve labor disputes, among others, this some of the results that could be known during this investigative process, and which should be taken into consideration when implementing training or strategies that allow the potential or generate knowledge on the main themes and other related topics. Keywords: communication skills, work activities, competences.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEsta investigación contine como tema principal: Habilidades de comunicación y su importancia en las actividades laborales de las Secretarias Ejecutivas de la Movilizadora de Frutas Tropicales de producción y comercialización La Clementina – FRU.COM.CLE. Se ha planteado el siguiente objetivo principal, el cual es: Determinar las habilidades de comunicación y su importancia en las actividades laborales de las Secretarias Ejecutivas. Durante el desarrollo de este trabajo se implementó la modalidad de investigación: Documental, y de Campo, y a su vez el tipo de investigación: Descriptiva, que permitió recabar información sobre las variables de estudio. Además, para esta investigación se requirió la aplicación de los métodos Inductivo y Deductivo, de los cuales se obtuvo la información de manera general y particular, asimismo, permitió el desarrollo de soluciones y conclusiones sobre la problemática planteada. La utilización de la encuesta fue de gran importancia para lograr la recopilación de la información y posteriormente la obtención de los hechos o problemas que se suscitan en la empresa, donde se detectó el desconocimiento y poco importancia que poseen las secretarias en cuanto al manejo de las habilidades comunicativas, sobre todo cuando están realizando sus actividades laborales que pueden presentar dificultades en el trato con los clientes, jefes, compañeros de trabajo, no tener la capacidad de solventar algún conflicto laboral y entre otros, son algunos de los resultados que se permitió conocer en este proceso investigativo y en los cuales se debe de tomar en consideración implementar capacitaciones o estrategias que permitan potencializar o generar conocimientos sobre las temáticas principales y demás temas afines.es_ES
dc.format.extent45 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2022es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectHabilidades comunicativases_ES
dc.subjectActividades laboraleses_ES
dc.titleHabilidades de comunicación y su importancia en las actividades laborales de las secretarias ejecutivas de la movilizadora de frutas tropicales de producción y comercialización La Clementina – FRU.COM.CLEes_ES

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