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dc.contributor.advisorMarcial Chang, Dayra
dc.contributor.authorPeralta Chafla, Julia Susana
dc.descriptionHiking is a tourist activity that is found in ecotourism, which seeks sustainability between economic, social and environmental activities, through ecological activities that contribute to the learning of tourists about the attention of nature and encourage their paste in the practice; Therefore, in this case, it is ideal to carry out this research, because the parish “El Morro” and “Cheerful Field” sector, the sharp communities seeking tourism development. In addition, they have as objective the conservation and protection of natural resources that Hill “Elad” has, which is a place that has a large amount and variety of vegetation, beautiful mountainous elevations and excellent landscapes for photos and enjoy the family. And friends an army emotion in a natural envelope. The present research work aims to develop some proposals that help improve tourism and achieve a tourism sector with the help of nearby communities, which will be external beneficiaries of the production and implementation of the project. The general idea is based on containing tourism from all areas of induction to the natural environment, through the tourist link, which offers each place of connection, satisfying the needs of tubists.es_ES
dc.descriptionHiking is a tourist activity that is found in ecotourism, which seeks sustainability between economic, social and environmental activities, through ecological activities that contribute to the learning of tourists about the attention of nature and encourage their paste in the practice; Therefore, in this case, it is ideal to carry out this research, because the parish “El Morro” and “Cheerful Field” sector, the sharp communities seeking tourism development. In addition, they have as objective the conservation and protection of natural resources that Hill “Elad” has, which is a place that has a large amount and variety of vegetation, beautiful mountainous elevations and excellent landscapes for photos and enjoy the family. And friends an army emotion in a natural envelope. The present research work aims to develop some proposals that help improve tourism and achieve a tourism sector with the help of nearby communities, which will be external beneficiaries of the production and implementation of the project. The general idea is based on containing tourism from all areas of induction to the natural environment, through the tourist link, which offers each place of connection, satisfying the needs of tubists.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl senderismo es una actividad turística que se encuentra inmersa en el ecoturismo, la cual busca la sostenibilidad entre lo económico, social y medioambiental, mediante la realización eco-amigable de actividades que contribuyan al aprendizaje de los turistas acerca del cuidado de la naturaleza y fomenten su puesta en práctica; por ello, en este caso es ideal realizar esta investigación, debido a que la parroquia “El Morro” y el sector de “Campo Alegre” son comunidades que buscan desarrollarse turísticamente. Además, tienen como objetivo la conservación y protección de los recursos naturales que posee el cerro “El Muerto”, el cual es un lugar que cuenta con una gran cantidad y variedad de vegetación, hermosas elevaciones montañosas y paisajes excelentes para tomar fotografías y disfrutar con familiares y amigos un momento ameno en un entorno natural. El presente trabajo investigativo, tiene como finalidad desarrollar algunas propuestas que ayudarán a mejorar el turismo y lograr convertir a este sector en parte de un producto turístico con ayuda de las comunidades cercanas, las cuales serán beneficiarios externos de la productividad e implementación del proyecto. La idea general se basa en contribuir al turismo de todas las áreas de inducción al entorno natural, mediante el acoplamiento turístico, que ofrece cada lugar de conexión, satisfaciendo las necesidades de los turistas.es_ES
dc.format.extent42 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2022es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleSenderismo y el ecoturismo en el cerro El Muerto, Parroquia el Morro, cantón Guayaquiles_ES

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