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dc.contributor.advisorGuijarro Intriago, Rosa Victoria
dc.contributor.authorCastro Calderon, Judith Lilibeth
dc.descriptionThe main objective of this case study is to analyze the river recreational activities as a tourist potential of the Babahoyo canton, a survey was carried out as an information collection strategy, randomly to 100 inhabitants of the city to identify their way of thinking about the activities that can be carried out within river or recreational tourism; For the study, the inductive research methods were used, which is of great importance and to obtain the general conclusions, in the same way the deductive method was applied in order to obtain concrete information on river recreation, the analytical method was used for the analysis of the origin and consequences of the circumstances that manifest themselves, with respect to the variables under study. In addition, the types of qualitative and quantitative research were implemented for the respective analysis and effective interpretation of the information obtained in the results of the survey. Therefore, it was possible to discover the lack of river recreational activities in the city, little support from the authorities, and insufficient promotion of river tourism, which prevents the tourist development of the area and the transformation into a national tourist potential.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe main objective of this case study is to analyze the river recreational activities as a tourist potential of the Babahoyo canton, a survey was carried out as an information collection strategy, randomly to 100 inhabitants of the city to identify their way of thinking about the activities that can be carried out within river or recreational tourism; For the study, the inductive research methods were used, which is of great importance and to obtain the general conclusions, in the same way the deductive method was applied in order to obtain concrete information on river recreation, the analytical method was used for the analysis of the origin and consequences of the circumstances that manifest themselves, with respect to the variables under study. In addition, the types of qualitative and quantitative research were implemented for the respective analysis and effective interpretation of the information obtained in the results of the survey. Therefore, it was possible to discover the lack of river recreational activities in the city, little support from the authorities, and insufficient promotion of river tourism, which prevents the tourist development of the area and the transformation into a national tourist potential.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente caso de estudio tiene como objetivo principal, analizar las actividades recreativas fluviales como potencial turístico del cantón Babahoyo, se realizó una encuesta como estrategia de recopilación de información, de manera aleatoria a 100 habitantes de la ciudad para identificar su forma de pensar sobre las actividades que se pueden realizar dentro del el turismo fluvial o recreativo; para el estudio se utilizaron los métodos de investigación inductivo que es de gran importancia y obtener las conclusiones generales, de igual manera se aplicó el método deductivo con la finalidad de conseguir información concreta de la recreación fluvial, se utilizó el método analítico para el análisis del origen y las consecuencias de las circunstancias que se manifiestan, con respecto a las variables en estudio. Además, se implementó los tipos de investigación cualitativito y cuantitativo para el respectivo análisis e interpretación eficaz de la información obtenida en los resultados de la encuesta. Por lo tanto, se pudo descubrir la carencia de actividades recreativas fluviales en la ciudad, escaso apoyo de las autoridades, e insuficiente promoción del turismo fluvial, lo que impide el desarrollo turístico de la zona y la transformación en un potencial turístico nacional.es_ES
dc.format.extent35 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2022es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectActividades recreativases_ES
dc.subjectTurismo recreativoes_ES
dc.subjectRecreación fluviales_ES
dc.subjectPotencial turísticoes_ES
dc.titleLas actividades recreativas fluviales como potencial turístico de cantón Babahoyoes_ES

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