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dc.contributor.advisorIzurieta Puente, Electra Maricela
dc.contributor.authorAndagana Sisa, Celia Nelly
dc.descriptionThe main objective of this case study is to analyze in detail the agrotourism of the Canton Ventanas and determine what is the beneficial contribution through the different activities that are carried out in the agrotourism. Ecuador has a great diversity of sites where agrotourism can be practiced, because the country has a diversity of flora and fauna, which must be used correctly and promote the tourism industry through agriculture. The province of Los Ríos is no exception as it has several places where you can practice agrotourism and guarantee tourists a different experience in contact with nature. The Ventanas Canton has a great natural environment, which is used by the inhabitants of this town for the agricultural sector, therefore, if this sector is combined with tourism, it can bring great benefits to society. In the course of this investigation, each of the identified problems could be evidenced, such as: the lack of publicity of the places where agrotourism is practiced, the ignorance of the inhabitants of this canton about the benefits that this industry can bring, and give a possible solution to each of the identified problems. In addition, in this case study several research methods were used such as: synthetic and inductive quantitative, and digital surveys were used as a research technique to determine through the opinion of the inhabitants of the Canton Ventanas what is the contribution that agrotourism in this locality.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe main objective of this case study is to analyze in detail the agrotourism of the Canton Ventanas and determine what is the beneficial contribution through the different activities that are carried out in the agrotourism. Ecuador has a great diversity of sites where agrotourism can be practiced, because the country has a diversity of flora and fauna, which must be used correctly and promote the tourism industry through agriculture. The province of Los Ríos is no exception as it has several places where you can practice agrotourism and guarantee tourists a different experience in contact with nature. The Ventanas Canton has a great natural environment, which is used by the inhabitants of this town for the agricultural sector, therefore, if this sector is combined with tourism, it can bring great benefits to society. In the course of this investigation, each of the identified problems could be evidenced, such as: the lack of publicity of the places where agrotourism is practiced, the ignorance of the inhabitants of this canton about the benefits that this industry can bring, and give a possible solution to each of the identified problems. In addition, in this case study several research methods were used such as: synthetic and inductive quantitative, and digital surveys were used as a research technique to determine through the opinion of the inhabitants of the Canton Ventanas what is the contribution that agrotourism in this locality.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl estudio de caso tiene como objetivo principal analizar de manera detallada el agroturismo del Cantón Ventanas y determinar cuál es el aporte beneficioso a través de las diferentes actividades que se realizan en el agroturismo. El Ecuador tiene una gran diversidad de sitios en donde se puede practicar el agroturismo, debido a que el país tiene una diversidad de flora y fauna, la cual debe ser aprovechada de manera correcta y promover la industria turística, a través de la agricultura. La provincia de los Ríos no es la excepción ya que tiene varios sitios en donde se puede practicar el agroturismo y garantizarles a los turistas una experiencia diferente en contacto con la naturaleza. El Cantón Ventanas consta con un gran entorno natural, el cual es utilizado por los habitantes de esta localidad para el sector agrícola, por lo tanto, si se une este sector en conjunto con el turismo, puede traer grandes beneficios para la sociedad. En el transcurso de esta investigación se pudieron evidenciar cada uno de los problemas identificados, tales como: la falta de publicidad de los sitios donde se practica el agroturismo, el desconocimiento de los habitantes de este cantón acerca de los beneficios que puede traer esta industria, y darle una posible solución a cada uno de los problemas identificados. Además, en este estudio de caso se utilizaron varios métodos de investigación como: cuantitativo sintético e inductivo, y se utilizó como técnica de investigación a las encuestas digitales para determinar a través de la opinión de los habitantes del Cantón Ventanas cual es el aporte que tiene el agroturismo en esta localidad.es_ES
dc.format.extent30 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2022es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectTurismo rurales_ES
dc.subjectDesarrollo económicoes_ES
dc.titleEl agroturismo y el aporte a las actividades productivas del cantón Ventanases_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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