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dc.contributor.advisorHidalgo Troya, Fausto
dc.contributor.authorQuilli Toalombo, Ítalo Livino
dc.descriptionIn the development of this case study is intended to analyze the content of digital media that develop in relation to the semiotic analysis of the logo of TV Agro Digital Babahoyo, considering that the information that reaches society through these media generates different reactions in the population and awakens or turns off the interest of this. (Martínez, 2018). A logo is a symbol made up of illustrations and words that are related to make known the identity of a company, brand, institution or society. In some situations, the logo is not simply the symbol with which institutions are represented, it is also accompanied by a story that narrates in a way that generates an emotional connection between the client and the brand; The importance of this study lies in being able to make known to the society of Bahia de Bahia a tool that evidences that a semiotic analysis of Tv Agro Digital's logo allows evidencing how it is structured, which communicational characteristics it possesses and, of course, which ones it lacks. As for the methodology, a descriptive study is developed, where the semiotic analysis of the logo of TV Agro Digital Babahoyo is carried out, using the technique of interviewing experts in the area of communication and graphic design, in order to understand the message conveyed by the logo of the selected media.es_ES
dc.descriptionIn the development of this case study is intended to analyze the content of digital media that develop in relation to the semiotic analysis of the logo of TV Agro Digital Babahoyo, considering that the information that reaches society through these media generates different reactions in the population and awakens or turns off the interest of this. (Martínez, 2018). A logo is a symbol made up of illustrations and words that are related to make known the identity of a company, brand, institution or society. In some situations, the logo is not simply the symbol with which institutions are represented, it is also accompanied by a story that narrates in a way that generates an emotional connection between the client and the brand; The importance of this study lies in being able to make known to the society of Bahia de Bahia a tool that evidences that a semiotic analysis of Tv Agro Digital's logo allows evidencing how it is structured, which communicational characteristics it possesses and, of course, which ones it lacks. As for the methodology, a descriptive study is developed, where the semiotic analysis of the logo of TV Agro Digital Babahoyo is carried out, using the technique of interviewing experts in the area of communication and graphic design, in order to understand the message conveyed by the logo of the selected media.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEn el desarrollo del presente estudio de caso se pretende analizar el contenido de los medios digitales que desarrollan con relación al análisis semiótico del logo de TV Agro Digital Babahoyo, al tener en cuenta que estos son la representación visual que permiten posesionar una empresa. Un logotipo, es un símbolo conformado por ilustraciones y palabras que guardan relación para dar a conocer la identidad de una empresa, marca, institución o sociedad. En algunas situaciones, el logo no simplemente es el símbolo con el cual se representan las instituciones, también viene acompañado de una historia que narra de manera que genera una conexión de tipo emocional entre el cliente y la marca. La importancia del estudio abordado radica en poder dar a conocer a la sociedad babahoyense una herramienta que evidencia que analizar semióticamente el logo de Tv Agro Digital, permite evidenciar cómo este está estructurado, qué características comunicacionales posee y por supuesto de cuáles carece. En cuanto a la metodología, se desarrolla un estudio descriptivo, donde se realiza el análisis semiótico del logo de TV Agro Digital Babahoyo, mediante la utilización de la técnica de la entrevista a expertos en el área de la comunicación y diseño gráfico, a fin de entender el mensaje que transmite el logo del medio seleccionado.es_ES
dc.format.extent35 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2022es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectAnálisis semióticoes_ES
dc.subjectMedios de comunicaciónes_ES
dc.titleAnálisis semiótico del logo de TV Agro Digital - Babahoyoes_ES

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