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dc.contributor.advisorPiedrahita Aguirre, Manuel Elías
dc.contributor.authorHidalgo Oramas, Yomara Yamine
dc.descriptionThe present development of the case study addresses the analysis of the incidence of digital platforms in social communication in Ecuador, it can be seen that journalism has had significant changes when transmitting information to its audience. When there are changes in the environment, it forces businesses, services and informational activities to adapt to the new needs or trends that are being crossed in order to satisfy what society requires. Currently, new trends have caused journalism to strive to learn about new tools and instruments to interact with people, they seek a sustainable, profitable business and sensitive to the news that exists in the country. That is why today there is a great influence of news channels on social networks that reach society more quickly and agilely, having the advantage of being able to present the latest news that happens in the country in real time and with veracity. .es_ES
dc.descriptionThe present development of the case study addresses the analysis of the incidence of digital platforms in social communication in Ecuador, it can be seen that journalism has had significant changes when transmitting information to its audience. When there are changes in the environment, it forces businesses, services and informational activities to adapt to the new needs or trends that are being crossed in order to satisfy what society requires. Currently, new trends have caused journalism to strive to learn about new tools and instruments to interact with people, they seek a sustainable, profitable business and sensitive to the news that exists in the country. That is why today there is a great influence of news channels on social networks that reach society more quickly and agilely, having the advantage of being able to present the latest news that happens in the country in real time and with veracity. .es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente desarrollo del caso de estudio aborda el análisis de la incidencia de las plataformas digitales en la comunicación social del Ecuador, se puede observar que el periodismo ha tenido cambios significativos a la hora de transmitir información a su audiencia. Cuando existen cambios en el entorno obliga a los negocios, servicios y actividades informativas adaptarse a las nuevas necesidades o tendencias que se esta atravesando con el objetivo de satisfacer lo que la sociedad requiera. En la actualidad las nuevas tendencias han provocado que el periodismo se esfuerce por aprender sobre nuevas herramientas e instrumentos para interactuar con las personas, buscan un negocio sostenible, rentable y sensible a las novedades que existen en el país. Es por ello que hoy en día existe una gran influencia de canales de noticias en las redes sociales que llegan de manera más rápida y ágil a la sociedad, teniendo como ventaja poder presentar las últimas novedades que suceden en el país en tiempo real y con veracidad.es_ES
dc.format.extent30 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2021es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectRedes socialeses_ES
dc.subjectMarketing digitales_ES
dc.titleComo incide el uso de las Plataformas Digitales en la Comunicación Social (Periodismo en el Ecuador)es_ES

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